Archive for June 2020
Islander 36 Summer Sailstice Cruise
Ten family-crewed Islander 36s met under the western span of the Bay Bridge to take a tour of the San Francisco Bay to celebrate Summer Sailstice on June 20.
News Flash: Racing Is Back On and Up to You
We were happy to get the notice below yesterday afternoon from Laura Muñoz of the Yacht Racing Association of San Francisco Bay. The quick news is that racing is now allowed. But there are important details…
‘Saint Nicolas’ on the Way to Glacier Bay?
For most of us, San Francisco Bay is a place of endless sailing possibilities. It can also be a 'small' cove to tuck into on the way North.
Westwind Boat Detailing
Washing, waxing, varnishing. Serving the entire Bay Area for more than 30 years. “I have never seen the teak look so good."
Opti Heavy Weather Goes Virtual
Although St. Francis Yacht Club may not be able to host its signature Opti Heavy Weather Regatta on the Bay, that doesn’t mean the kids can’t race. As with many regattas, this one has moved online.
Fiji Opens Up to Cruisers
A bit of good news for cruising sailors out there: The South Pacific island nation of Fiji once again opens its doors to cruising yachts and super-yachts.
Tragedy, and an Attempt at Rowing Triumph on the Pacific
Angela Madsen, a 60-year-old paraplegic who was attempting to become the oldest woman to row alone from California to Hawaii, was found dead floating next to her boat approximately 1,000 miles from Hawaii, according to the New York Post.
Brickyard Cove Marina Has Slips to Rent
We are very excited to announce that we have completed our dock replacement project for A through G dock and now have openings in most sizes.
A Solo-Sailing Mountain: Point Reyes and Back in a Day
On Memorial Day weekend, singlehander Graeme Lowe decided to attempt a “crazy but incredible” race against time. The skipper of the Berkeley-berthed Baltic 38 Merope had been planning a solo passage to Drake’s Bay over late May's holiday weekend,
Great News from the Singlehanded Sailing Society
"We have tentative approval from the USCG to run the rescheduled 2020 Singlehanded Farallones race on Saturday, June 27."
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