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Here you'll find sailing resources that we think might be useful!

Sailing Resources and How-Tos

Northern California Sailing Weather

Preparing Your Boat for Winter Storms:

Bay Area Sailing:


Racing Insights:

DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Tips and Tricks:

Medical/ Emergencies at Sea:

A collection of articles by Dr. Kent Benedict, a sailing MD:

Tips on Buying or Selling a Boat:

Sailing Links

Memorable stories from the print edition of Latitude 38:

Charter Stories:

Additional Historical Editorial:


Boat of the Month (BOM):

Rhodes 19 (Aug '79)
Snipe (Sep '87)
Merit 25 (Dec '91)
Knarr (Oct '77)
Columbia 5.5 (Feb '03)
Luders 36 (May '04)
J/24 (Dec '03)
Bear (Jun '77)
Santa Cruz 50 (Feb '87)
Catalina 22 (Jun '83)
Nordic Folkboat (Mar '81)
Bird (Apr 1977)
Islander Bahama (Feb '85)
