Writer's Guidelines
Great photos help every story and really great ones end up on the cover. Hi-res, action and smiles are important
Dear Writer,
You can send us a story here but, to improve your chances of getting published, we’d ask you to read the helpful hints below. Also, make sure your email includes:
- Your Name
- Boat Name
- Boat Type
- Hailing Port
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Latitude 38. We offer the following information to help your submissions. Thousands of copies are distributed to California, Washington, and Hawaii each month, with digital readership and the ‘Lectronic Latitude newsletter extending our reach to sailors around the world. Latitude 38’s roots are in Northern California and, after 40+ years, its editorial focus remains the world of sailing through the eyes of the West Coast sailor. As such, any topic seen through the eyes of a West Coast sailor may be of interest to us, be it an island in the Pacific a sailor may eventually visit, a classic boat that someone has restored, a lesson learned from a unique experience at sea, or a piece of gear a sailor might not understand. Here are some specifics we like to see in a typical submission:
STYLE — We assume, since you took the time to inquire, that you're familiar with Latitude 38 and our general editorial style. We use 'dockside idiom', and prefer folks to write as if they were conversing with a fellow sailor on the dock. Opinions are encouraged; pontifications are not. We're among friends, you know. Include boat names, boat types, and homeports. Also include the author's home address, phone number(s) and email contacts.
FORMAT — All query submissions must be made via email with the article's text either in the body of the email or in an attached Word or text file. We reserve the right to edit, rewrite and/or excerpt to our heart's content.
LENGTHS — Feature articles normally run 1,500 to 3,000 words. If your feature has to be edited way down, or if only part of it is used, it may end up as a Sightings, a short feature or a Changes in Latitudes. Sightings items typically run between 500 and 750 words. Changes in Latitudes can run from 100 to 1,000 words or more. 'Lectronic Latitude items should be kept to no more than 500 words. Latitude 38 makes the final determinations regarding editing and placement.
PHOTOGRAPHS — Latitude is visually driven. We welcome and encourage submissions of interesting, exciting or unusual photos having to do with the sailing lifestyle.
Photo requirements:
- high-resolution jpegs 1 MB or greater
- please supply photo captions and photo credits
Pertinent photographs must accompany all articles for them to be seriously considered for publication unless obtaining them is not possible. Photos can be as simple as a single shot (breaching whale, wrapped spinnaker, huge smiles) in the case of short features or Changes to a selection of perhaps a dozen shots for longer features. Digital images for publication should be sent to us via email as JPEG or TIFF files, and high resolution (i.e. 8"x10" @ 300 pixels per inch or greater) or 'Actual Size' or 'Large' for best reproduction. Small files simply don't work in print.
Email them to the Editorial Department. Our server will accept up to 15 MB per email. All photos should be accompanied by an explanation/caption sheet identifying all boats and people, as well as the name of the photographer or copyright holder.
Include lots of pictures of people. Sailing is about people as much as anything else, so don't send just shots of palm-lined beaches and boats.
SUBMISSION/NOTIFICATION — We encourage you to email your contributions to the Editorial Department. We will make every effort to let you know within six weeks if we plan to use your material. Sometimes stories will be held for future issues.
PAYMENT — As a regional sailing magazine, Latitude 38 welcomes the many generous contributions of stories from our sailing community. If you are looking for compensation beyond publicity for your event, blog, Vlog, or exchange for Latitude 38 swag, please let us know upfront. Feature articles currently earn a minimum of $125, higher depending on the materials submitted, and, of course, our interest in the subject. To be considered for publication, submitted articles MUST include pertinent hi-res photos of the boat(s) AND people mentioned in the story with photo captions and credits. Sightings items earn between $50 and $125, depending on how we use them — and, again, should include hi-res photos, captions and credits. Most Changes in Latitudes submissions can earn a Latitude T-shirt or hat; most sailors who submit items for Changes are not looking for payment. Photo-only submissions generally earn $25 per photo. Payments are made upon publication. Submissions are also welcome for our 3x/week online blog ‘Lectronic Latitude and can sometimes lead to print editorial assignments.
We hope you'll think of us when you have an outstanding sailing experience, meet a particularly colorful sailor(s) or want to share important info with the West Coast sailing community. Until then, have fun writing or shooting. And remember, sailing is the only known cure for writer's block!
Latitude 38 Media, LLC
15 Locust Ave., Mill Valley, CA 94941
Email inquiries and submissions to the Editorial Department.