Ryan Finn and Jzerro Can Smell the Barn
Solo sailor Ryan Finn and his trusty steed Jzerro can smell the barn on their adventure from New York to San Francisco. When we last reported, Jzerro had rounded Cape Horn and was heading toward the horse latitudes and the doldrums. “Well I’m in it now,” reported Ryan on April 3. “Getting through these doldrums is going to be brutal. The forecast completely fell apart last night when I was becalmed for hours, maybe as many as six. What current there was pushed me south 4 miles.”

After a very successful crossing of the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone early in the journey, Ryan and Jzerro have to negotiate the ITCZ again on the Pacific side. Once through, the sailing should be easier. “I’ve crossed the equator again at 8:42 a.m. Mountain Time, about 19.5 days since rounding Cape Horn, which was around midnight on the morning of March 16,” he logged on April 4. “That is actually quite a fast passage to the equator for this record attempt, despite the fact that I’ve been drifting around the last couple of days.”
Keeping the boat moving was the priority. “I’m essentially ignoring the wind models for this region at this point and just trying to keep Jzerro moving with whatever wind I have. Sometimes leading to dead ends, but I need to get out of here.” On April 10 it looked like they were finally out and heading north. “On schedule last night; lots of light wind until the early AM hours when I was able to jibe back to starboard in better wind, 7-9 knots.”

Now off Cabo San Lucas, they are on the home stretch doing the Baja Bash. “It’s looking quite windy ahead, so in a few days it’s just going to be a matter of nursing Jzerro upwind to San Francisco and taking lots of care on this final stage of the voyage.”
On Monday, one of Ryan’s supporters told us that Jzerro’s ETA in San Francisco is between April 20 and 22. They have yet to confirm his exact destination port.
Follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/2oceans1rock and check Jzerro’s track here.
Caption Contest(!)
Whew! This month has come in with a Bang! We’ve been so busy since April 1 we almost forgot to share this month’s Caption Contest(!). Lucky for us all a little reminder fairy tapped us on the shoulder.
So here it is, your new challenge:

You can find last month’s Caption Contest(!) winner and next top 10 in the April issue of Latitude 38.
Enjoy Downwind Sailing With Walder Boom Brake
The innovative Walder boom brake — active safety at sea www.boom-brake-walder.com
Good Jibes with Dave Bloch and the Metaverse
No, it’s not the name of a hip, new sailing band. It’s our newest episode of Good Jibes! This week’s host, Ryan Foland, is joined by Dave Bloch to chat about sailing in the metaverse — the what? Dave, aka Dale Irata, is the creator of the Virtual Summer Sailstice, an annual event running since 2020 that takes place in Second Life.

Hear what it’s like sailing in Second Life, how it can be an educational platform for sailors, how to get started with Second Life, the biggest misconceptions about virtual sailing, and whether you can control which way the wind blows. This episode covers everything from virtual sailing to joining Second Life.
Here’s a small sample of what you’ll hear in this episode:
- What is the metaverse?
- When was Second Life created?
- How much do Second Life boats cost?
- Does training in Second Life help you sail in real life?
- What are the sailing rules in Second Life?
- How do you get started with Second Life?
- Are Second Life properties being sold as NFTs?
- Short Tacks: Will we all be sailing in the metaverse eventually?

Learn more about Dave (and Dale) at SailVirtual.com.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and your other favorite podcast spots — follow and leave a 5-star review if you’re feeling the Good Jibes!
Join Treasure Island Sailing Center’s Opening Day This Saturday
Treasure Island Sailing Center is hosting its Opening Day this Saturday, April 16, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and you’re invited!
Spring is here, and with the weather warming and the wind picking up, it’s a perfect time to get out on the Bay. Bring your family and friends for a fun day by the water and a free 30-minute kayak, paddleboard, or keelboat ride.

Come learn about safe boating and meet our team! We will have representatives from the US Coast Guard and One Treasure Island, as well as arts and crafts for young children.
Arrive early to sign up for a spot to take out a paddleboard or kayak, or go for a ride on a keelboat with one of our trained J/24 instructors. Don’t forget to dress in clothes that can get wet if you plan to paddle. We will provide lifejackets to wear while you are on your water adventure.
Equally, if you are interested in volunteering for this event, we’d love to hear from you — please reach out to [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you there!
Where: 698 California Ave., Building 112, San Francisco.
When: Saturday, April 16, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
For more details visit www.tisailing.org.