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February 3, 2020

Lookin’ Good, Latitude Nation

We’ve, said it before, and we’ll say it again: Red Rock — shrouded here in both mystery and fog — occupies a special place in our imaginations. 
© 2020 Nathaniel Beilby

Not too long ago, we successfully completed one of the first-ever Bay Area circumnavigations of the mythical island of Red Rock. Well, on Saturday — and with no small amount of inspiration from local legend Randall Reeves — we completed the first-ever figure 8 in the Bay Area, sailing around Angel Island and leaving it to starboard, then sailing around Red Rock, and leaving the poison oak-infested, Bond villain-player-looking lump to port.

Granted, we’re a little loose with the term “first-ever.” It is our own sailing, however, that still makes us feel like pioneers, and makes us feel that we’re lookin’ good and strutting our stuff with confidence.  Forgive us, please, for this recurring self-indulgence, but surely there are moments when we all feel this way, when a simple sail on the Bay makes us feel like heroes. Surely, that is one of the many reasons why we do what we do.

Saturday on the Bay saw 8-10 knots of breeze and warm winter temperatures. A good day for singlehanding, and a good day for multihanding.
© 2020 Latitude 38 Media LLC / Tim

Well, fear not, Nation. This isn’t another story about us, this is a story about you. Sure, we had a magnificent sail on Saturday — and felt we were lookin’ good. But you were lookin’ just fine, too.

Latitude’s newest editor snaps a photo of a frisky little catamaran getting all nimbly-bimbly around the Bay.
© 2020 Nathaniel Beilby

It was a gorgeous day with an unexpectedly pleasant and highly sailable breeze. It’s not that we’re bragging, or trying to make our Pac Northwest, East Coast or Northern European friends feel bad.

The heel of this boat should tell you everything you need to know about Saturday’s breeze.
© 2020 Latitude 38 Media LLC / Tim

Or, sorry . . . maybe we are rubbing it in a little. Hey, it’s expensive to live in the Bay Area, so we’re not afraid to boast about our mild winters.

Over the last few years, we’ve been enjoying sailing with our close friends and family, and teaching them a little about sailing. This was their closest port-tack-ducking-a-starboard-boat crossing in their young sailing careers.
© 2020 Latitude 38 Media LLC / Tim

As much as the boats were the stars of Saturday’s show, so too were the landscapes.

Angel Island in all its midwinter glory.
Red Rock is among the many topics of discussion in this month’s Letters.
© 2020

We are delighted that the days are already getting longer and warmer — there are even flowers blooming in the winter sun. Rest easy, Nation: The sailing will only get better and better.

This boat was anchored next to the San Rafael Channel when we went out, and still anchored there when we came back.
© 2020 Nathaniel Bailey

Lookin’ good is not just a photogenic moment, it’s a state of mind. It’s when you’re feeling yourself and your surroundings; it’s when all the pieces fall into place and you can only feel content with the day, with yourself, and with your boat. We’d like to think that we achieved this ever-fleeting, ever-satisfying state of nirvana.

We hope you did, too.

It’s not often that a photo requires no caption. We’d like to think this is one such shot.

Got a weekend story to tell? Please comment below, or email us here.

Catch a Ride on ‘Esprit’ for the Spring Crew Party

Nation — Do you have this year’s Latitude 38 Spring Crew List Party on your calendar? We certainly hope so, and certainly hope to see you on Thursday, March 5, at Golden Gate Yacht Club at 6 p.m.

This year, we’re excited to announce that friends of Latitude Mitchell Andrus and Quincey Cummings will be sailing their Kelly Peterson 46 Esprit to the shindig. Crew Party attendees will be able to tour the boat, talk to Quincey and Mitch — the hosts of Q+M Travels adventure sailing company — and possibly catch a ride to GGYC from Berkeley Marina.

That’s right, there are a few spots on the boat available for anyone who wants to arrive in style at the Crew Party. Q+M Travels is offering free passage to five people on a first-come, first-served basis.

Commuting on the Kelly Peterson 46 Esprit is a pretty sweet way to roll into the Spring Crew Party.

“We had such a great time mingling and connecting at the Fall Crew Party, we knew we’d be eager for the spring party,” said Mitch. “This time we’re excited to bring a bunch of friends with us!”

If you’re interested in catching a ride, please contact Q+M Travels here. As with all things boats, the passage, and Esprit’s presence, is weather-dependent — but barring a late-winter storm, we anticipate it’ll be a lot of fun.

Quincey and Mitch, your hosts for the Crew Party commute.

We’ll see you there!

February Is Seminar Season

After some fine sailing days, chilly winter temperatures have returned to the West Coast. Many sailing events step indoors at this time of year for the purpose of preparing for the warmer summer season (which, on San Francisco Bay, can be colder than February!) Each year at this time, we find our Calendar packed with educational opportunities.

We’d like to lead off this list by promoting Bay Area artist Jim DeWitt’s talk at St. Francis Yacht Club — and to wish the Oakland native a happy 90th birthday! Jim is a retired sailmaker, a winner of the Mallory Cup, and an America’s Cup Artist in Residence. He’ll speak at StFYC’s Yachting Luncheon in San Francisco this Wednesday, February 5, noon to 1:30 p.m.

Jim DeWitt working on a canvas
Artist Jim DeWitt at work on a painting in 2015.
© 2020 Don Wieneke

Events in San Diego

Some more highlights of events this month include the following in San Diego:

  • Feb. 3-5 — US Sailing Instructor Powerboat Clinic. San Diego YC.
  • Feb. 6-8 — US Sailing Sailing Leadership Forum, Hilton San Diego Resort.
  • Feb. 7-9 — North U S.O.D.A. Youth Match Racing Clinic with Dave Perry. For high school sailors ages 14-18. San Diego YC.
  • Feb. 15-16 — US Sailing International Offshore Safety at Sea Course with Hands-on Training, Mission Bay Aquatic Center. Or, that Sunday only, take the US Sailing International Offshore Safety at Sea Course Hands-on Training only or Safety at Sea Refresher Course. John, (760) 650-6901 or

Seminars and Courses in Northern California

  • Feb. 9 — North U Racing Tactics Seminar, Sequoia YC, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., with Andrew Kerr.
  • Feb. 11-Apr. 21 — USCGA Boating Skills & Seamanship Course, 7-9:30 p.m. Tuesday evenings at Loch Lomond YC in San Rafael. $75 includes text. To sign up, contact Mary at [email protected] or (415) 246-3585.
  • Feb. 16 — US Sailing Race Management Seminar, Santa Cruz YC. $45.
  • Feb. 19 — The Singlehanded Transpacific Seminar Series continues with The Return Trip -— by Container or Sailor? Oakland YC, Alameda, 7:30 p.m.
  • Feb. 20  — While the Corinthian clubhouse is undergoing renovation, Spaulding Marine Center in Sausalito will host the next Corinthian Speaker Series, starting at 7 p.m. Retired San Francisco bar pilots Rick Hurt and Gregg Waugh will speak about A View from the Wheelhouse. RSVP to [email protected].
  • Feb. 22 — The YRA is hosting a US Sailing Offshore Safety at Sea Seminar at Encinal YC in Alameda. Chuck Hawley will moderate the eight-hour course. Chuck serves as the chairman of the Safety at Sea Committee of US Sailing. He has moderated more than 50 Safety at Sea Courses in the past 20 years.
  • Feb. 29 — Boat Buying 101: How to Avoid Costly Mistakes, Oakland YC, Alameda, 3-4 p.m. Free seminar. Space is limited, so pre-registration is required. Go to A yacht club open house will follow the seminar from 4 to 6 p.m.

In Washington State

Cloudy sky
What do these cloud formations portend for sailors?
© 2020 Cruising Club of America
  • Feb. 29-Mar. 1 — US Sailing International Offshore Safety at Sea Course with Hands-on Training, Bainbridge Island. Or sign up for Sunday only for the Offshore Safety at Sea Hands-on Training only or Safety at Sea Refresher Course. Contact Margaret at (425) 869-2727 or go to

Save the Date

Make a quick flip of your calendar page to Thursday, March 5, and mark down Latitude 38’s Spring Crew List Party at Golden Gate YC in San Francisco, 6-9 p.m. $10 cash at the door ($5 for ages 25 and under with ID). For more info call (415) 383-8200 or see

Join the Crew as a Sales, Marketing and Communications Assistant

Latitude 38 is currently looking for an enthusiastic sailor to work with us full-time as an assistant in marketing, communications and events.

Latitude 38 is the West Coast’s premier sailing magazine and media company founded in 1977 to cover the world of sailing through the eyes of the West Coast sailor. We are passionate about West Coast sailing and our home waters of San Francisco Bay. We publish a monthly magazine, a 3x/week blog, an annual Northern California Racing Calendar and the annual Pacific Sail and Power Boat Show Guide and Program. Latitude 38 also sponsors the Baja Ha-Ha, the SoCal Ta-Ta and the Pacific Puddle Jump cruising rallies, produces the Delta Doo Dah and supports and manages the annual Summer Sailstice celebration of sailing.

Position: Seeking an active sailor to provide marketing and administrative support for a staff of seven people. We are looking for a creative and energetic person with strong communication and organizational skills and work on their own initiative to develop successful marketing strategies in the evolving worlds of sailing and media. Must be able to manage and deliver on multiple projects simultaneously. The right candidate will provide assistance and support across multiple departments working at our Mill Valley offices with our talented editorial and advertising staff. Read More

This month in 'Latitude 38', the destination is wherever you are. We'd like to think that we're about more than just the sailboats and the ensuing adventures they may bring.
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This is Ace, he went missing from my Catalina 400. I'm trying to track down this spinnaker featuring my dog Ace for sentimental reasons. It was sold with my boat back in the 1900s.
Latitude 38's publisher recently noticed that we have a Leap Saturday this year. "Sounds like a good theme for a party!" he said. "You won’t be able to sail on a Saturday, February 29, again until 2048."
Latitude 38 Crew List Party
Meet and greet fellow sailors. Find crew or get on a boat. Thursday, March 5, 6-9 p.m. Held at the spectacular Golden Gate Yacht Club in San Francisco.