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Check Out These Events in Early March

Wednesday, March 4

Latitude 38 and the South Pacific Sailing Network present a South Pacific Islands Bon Voyage at Vallarta Yacht Club in Paradise Village, Nuevo Vallarta, 2-6 p.m., for sailors making the Pacific Puddle Jump to French Polynesia and beyond. RSVP to [email protected].

Boathandling and Boatspeed, Sausalito Yacht Club, 6 p.m. Andrew Kerr will present this racing seminar. $15 at the door, payable by credit card only. Reserve a spot by email to [email protected].

Thursday, March 5

Latitude 38’s own Spring Crew List Party, Golden Gate YC, San Francisco, 6-9 p.m. $10 cash only at the door ($5 for ages 25 and under with ID). Find a boat, find a ride, find crew for racing or sailing on the Bay or cruising to distant destinations.

Four crew party-goers
Connect with fellow sailors and future sailors at the Crew List Party this Thursday.
© 2020 Latitude 38 Media LLC / Archives

At the same time, just on the other side of the parking lot, St. Francis YC will host an ORR Rule Owners Meeting starting at 6:30 p.m. Susan Ruhne asked us to share this information with our readers:

“As part of our ongoing desire to engage and consult with our ORR competitors around the StFYC application of the ORR rule for Aldo Alessio/Phyllis Kleinman Swiftsure Regatta and Rolex Big Boat Series 2020, we’d like to invite owners and competitors for an update on lessons learned from 2019 and our plans for 2020.

“Last year some competitors encountered errors in US Sailing-issued certificates. We’d like to update you on US Sailing and ORA’s ongoing process to address data quality and verification. Members of the ORA Board will be on hand to address this topic. As a club we have no control over this process, but we want to keep you updated on the quality improvement plan they have in place.

“In 2019 we implemented the application of up to six time correction factors (TCFs) for scoring to reflect three different course configurations and two wind ranges. We’re looking to revisit this with the goal of reducing complexity while maintaining scoring accuracy. We’re even reviewing course configurations to facilitate in this area.

“Owners, skippers, owner representatives and crew are welcome. Non-members, please call (415) 563-6363 to sign up. Questions? Reach out to race director Graham Biehl, [email protected]; or regatta chair Susan Ruhne, [email protected].

Olympians Riley Gibbs and Anna Weis will appear at Cabrillo Beach YC in San Pedro, 6:30-8:30 p.m. The Nacra 17 sailors have qualified for the Tokyo Olympics.

Monday, March 9

Patti Mangan from South Beach YC informs us that Clipper Race alumni and newly interested sailors are gathering at SBYC March 9 to hear the latest from crew recruitment manager Will Stokely, who is flying in from the UK. “The Clipper Race has been contending with the corona virus, and planned race ports have had to be adjusted very quickly, keeping the race on time for the big leg to Seattle,” says Patti. For more event info, go to

Saturday, March 14

The Bay Area Multihull Association presents their second annual Live Crew Overboard Training, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. “Here’s your opportunity to practice live crew overboard recovery, with the safety of support craft on site and additional eyes on the person in the water,” writes BAMA commodore Truls Myklebust. “For additional information, and for registration, please go to Jibeset: (note: registration is limited to 15 boats).” The location will be east of Sausalito, near the entrance to Richardson Bay. Monohulls are welcome!

The San Francisco Sea Scouts invite local youth and their families to an open house from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at their location at the foot of Van Ness in Aquatic Park. Sea Scouts is for teenage boys and girls. A new Junior Sea Scouts club welcomes kids ages 11-13. The S.F. group sails, rows, competes against other teams, takes overnight trips and cruises, and maintains their own antique wooden boats. The open house activities will include sailing, rowing, free food and knot tying. No previous experience is required, but RSVP at

Update: Due to the San Francisco City guidelines regarding the coronavirus, the Sea Scouts have canceled their open house on March 14. Please see our post on March 11 for more information about how to get involved.

These events are just a drop in the bucket compared to the list in our Calendar, out today in the March issue of Latitude 38. We’ll update our website Calendar page soon after we post today’s ‘Lectronic Latitude. As always, feel free to add your favorites to the Comments section below, but please include your full name and port of call.



  1. Christine Weaver 5 years ago

    Readers — We were filing emails this afternoon and realized that we missed a couple of events that we had intended to include in this post. So we’ve added them in.

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