Archive for April 2024
Sailing in Oregon vs. Pacific Northwest: Why Not Do Both?
Oregon sailor Phil Lewis took a trip down-island and says the contrast between the Pacific NW and the Caribbean is "almost too good to describe."
Are You Thinking of Cruising? Here Are a Few Stories From Sailors Afar
In each month's issue of 'Latitude 38', you're bound to find stories about sailors who are cruising. Here's a glimpse of who's doing what …
Discover EWOL Performance Propellers
Find out the most suitable propeller size for your boat and request a free personalized quote.
Celebrate the Coming Summer With ‘Opening Day on the Bay’ Sunday, April 28
Opening Day on the Bay is this coming Sunday, April 28. Join the Blessing of the Fleet and the Boat Parade to the theme "Rockin' on the Bay."
Relentless Performance for Every Yacht, Everywhere, Every Time
Over 140 years of cutting-edge science, providing relentless performance for every yacht, everywhere, every time.
South Bay Sailor Alerts USCG to Sailboat Possibly Adrift
On Monday afternoon, South Bay sailor and 'Latitude' reader Jon Clifford was looking out the window when he saw a sailboat that appeared to be adrift.
Good Jibes #139: John Arndt on the History of Summer Sailstice
This week’s host, Moe Roddy, is joined by 'Latitude 38' publisher and Summer Sailstice creator John Arndt.
Schooner Creek Boat Works Launches New Morrelli & Melvin Cat Destined for Hawaii
Schooner Creek Boat Works is probably best known to San Francisco sailors for building Steve Randers' Wylie 70 'Rage' and Bruce Schwab's Vendée Globe Wylie 60 'Ocean Planet.'
San Francisco on the Bay: “The List”
Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
Earth Day Reminds Us Why Sailors Will Save the Planet
The past sunny, sailing weekend reminded us why sailors will save the world.
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