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It’s Happened Again — Two Golden Ticket Winners in the Same Month

In a June ‘Lectronic Latitude we posed the question of why, or how, we get multiple Latitude 38 Golden Ticket winners in close succession — when we sometimes go weeks without having anyone come forward. Fortunately, one of our readers, David Cohan, helped us out by explaining the theory of chance — well, that’s what we’re calling it. We won’t go into David’s explanation here, but you can read what he says in our story: “Golden Ticket Run: A Series of Independent Random Events?”

The point of this story is that it has happened again. Neal Doten and Davis Sitzer have each found a Golden Ticket in their October issue of Latitude 38 — a classic case of what David Cohan described as “independent random events.”

Neal Doten popped down to his local distributor, Westpoint Harbor Marina, in Redwood City to pick up his October issue.

Golden Ticket Winner
Neal sails an Island Packet 38 with the catchy name No Moss.
© 2021 Neal Doten

Neal has been sailing aboard his own boats for almost 40 years, and for 18 of those years, he was a liveaboard. Consequently, he’s done a lot of cruising, including from San Francisco to the Sea of Cortez, S.F. to Panama, and S.F. to Manzanillo. He’s also sailed extensively throughout the Bay and the Delta.

David Sitzer has his Latitude 38 delivered each month. And judging from the photo below, he doesn’t wait to get back into the house, but starts reading right away.

Latitude & Golden Ticket
Although we can’t see it in the photo, David tells us he’s standing by the mailbox into which his Latitude 38, and Golden Ticket, were delivered.
© 2021 David Sitzer

David lives in Palo Alto, and as a member of Modern Sailing School & Club in Sausalito, he regularly sails on the Bay. He says he hopes to “do some fall Bay sails soon.” Plus, David and his family often charter together from Marina del Rey to Catalina. Next time he can wear his new Latitude 38 T-shirt.

If you want to get your hands on a Golden Ticket, get your hands on a Latitude 38 magazine. We don’t guarantee you’ll find a ticket, but we do guarantee you’ll find lots of fun and interesting sailing stories and photos.

Pick up a copy at your nearest distributor, or be like David, and have Latitude 38 delivered right to your mailbox each month.


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