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Coast Guard
Two people were rescued on Sunday night when their sailboat became disabled off the coast of Daly City.
Sailing for Your Ears
In this week's episode of Good Jibes, Ross Tibbits chats with Roy Disney who has been sailing since he was walking.
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Club Nautique is seeking a full-time sales person in Alameda and a part-time front desk associate in Sausalito.
If your boat is fitted out with the essentials for safety and comfort offshore, and you’re eager for a grand adventure, consider joining the 2022 Pacific Puddle Jump.
Australia Event Is This Week
The US SailGP Team announced that 23-year-old Anna Weis will trial with the team at this week's Australia SailGP in Sydney.
Here's a quick and easy way to make a sailor smile and to check an item off your Christmas list.
Waterfront Delight
A record number of boats took part in Sausalito's Lighted Boat Parade this past weekend, Including the first-timer Matthew Turner.
Beach party
Where do folks go after the Baja Ha-Ha? After Cabo San Lucas, cruisers fan out.
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The crew at KKMI went all out for this Holiday Season and produced their own Christmas carol. Make sure you follow the link in the image!
Wisdoms of Age
Against all of our youthful instincts, wisdom prevailed and the decision was made to head up to Potato Slough in the Delta the next morning.
Waterfront Fun for Everyone
The Petaluma waterfront is experiencing a re-awakening as local businesses reopen and expand community access to the water.
From Little Boats Come Great Sailors
Around 115 adults and kids showed up for Richmond Yacht Club's 29th annual Sail a Small Boat Day.
The World Famous L38
This month's Caption Contest(!) is not a drill folks. This situation is real!
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For power & sail. Hourly rate from $50 up. Weekend and weekday work available.
New Mark Off Crissy Field
On Sunday, Lisa Blackaller Williams cracked a bottle of champagne on the side of a new, and much larger, YRA buoy #16. The buoy is named after her father, Tom Blackaller.
The Wosser Trophies, announced in 2020, will be awarded for the first time to racers in the 2021 racing season.
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All of our models are hand-made from scratch by artists with decades in the industry, right here in America.
Weather Alert
Hawaii's small craft advisory remains in effect as "moderate to strong thunderstorms" move across the far southwestern offshore waters early this morning.
Sailing Stories
Listen in as Nicki and Lin talk about Lin's legendary life of sailing, giving back, and adventure.
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Find your nearest pumpout and floating restrooms with DBW's 'Pumpout Nav' app.
Encinal Regatta
The Yacht Racing Association of San Francisco Bay welcomed their racers in person — and on land.
A Little Sailing Etymology
"Does anyone know the true history of those pieces of yarn we poke through the luffs of our jibs to determine whether the sails are in trim, stalled, or luffing?
A Bonus for These Readers
Congratulations to all our winners,. We look forward to seeing you out on the Bay sporting your new Latitude 38 gear.
What Are the Chances?
A cry for help out of the darkness caught the ears of the crew as they were motoring out the Gate.
If you don't have a boat how do you sail? The Latitude 38 Crew List has been connecting sailors to sailing for over forty years. Sharon's BVI charter with the Crowley family is just one more example.
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Washing, waxing, varnishing. “Everything looks great! It was a huge relief."
Watching Nature at Work
During a routine volunteer mission to the Farallon Islands, Jan Passion was treated to a rare sight.
Good Reads for Holiday Shopping
There's no shortage of great books for sailors. Our podcast guests have some favorites that inspired their sailing dreams.
Water Water Everywhere
The Bay Area will be inundated with water this weekend as king tides bring flooding and road closures.
Answer by Sunday
The US Match Racing Championships Committee is considering a proposal to require at least one female on each team.
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Experience the fun of small-boat sailing at Richmond Yacht Club.
Miscellaneous Maritime Merriness
The Lighted Boat Parade on the Estuary's theme will be Deck the Hulls. Staging will be on the Alameda side…
Many Bay Area sailors took advantage of sunshine and sailing to make for an idyllic Thanksgiving holiday.
Did you raise your sails last month?
Sailors were out in force across November, and as a result, we have dozens of photos of happy, smiling sailors doing what they love!
Get Your Christmas Cheer Now
Our drivers have been up since before the crack of dawn filling their vans with bundles of magazines, just for you!
Sailing for Your Ears
Listen in as Nicki and Kayleen talk about merging your passions for sailing and snowboarding, learning the engine and electrical system of your boat, cultivating a community around shared passions, finding a sailing mentor, and living aboard.
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Experience the fun of small-boat sailing at Richmond Yacht Club.
Grand Final on the Bay in March
Early-bird tickets are on sale for the United States Sail Grand Prix in San Francisco on March 26-27.
Happening This Month
In December, more midwinter series join the list that started racing in November.
Cruising Tragedy
The Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) has been marred by the tragic death of a crew member aboard one of the participating yachts.
Novice Racers Learn from One of the Best
Cayard will share his sailing and leadership experience with a crew of amateurs aboard 'Translated 9' ahead of OGR23.
Famed solo sailor and environmental activist, Kenichi Horie, will return to San Francisco in the spring to sail solo back to Japan.
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Swiftsure serves the West Coast from Seattle and four other waterfronts.
Nautical-Light Porn
They were, at some point, fully functional as nav lights, but I instantly saw them as lovely maritime antiques.
Doublehanded from Le Havre to Martinique
The 15th edition of the doublehanded Transat Jacques Vabre is drawing to a close with all four divisions having been decided.
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Keep your family and friends warm this holiday season with Latitude's of love.
Not on My Watch
An attempted sailboat theft in Richmond was averted by an alert liveaboard in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
Sailing for Your Ears
Bill is a member of the America’s Cup Hall of Fame and has been president and director of operations for Dennis Conner Sports since 1996.
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Experience the fun of small-boat sailing at Richmond Yacht Club.
Growing Community
In-person fundraising galas return to continue progress towards the Bay Area Science Sailing Center.
Nominations/Voting Open to the Public
Sailing ans can nominate male and female sailors whom they believe turned in the most outstanding on-the-water performances during the 2021 calendar year.
Don't Go Shopping, Go Sailing
Take advantage of the long weekend to #optsailing on Blue Friday.
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Keep your family and friends entertained this holiday season, and all year, with Latitude's of love.
Start Small and Dream Big
Baja Ha-Ha sailor Wayne Koide invited a dozen kids from UpWind Sailing School in Los Cabos to tour his Outbound 46 'Flyer.'
Aside from immersing ourselves in the excitement of 600 people about to sail to Mexico, we love the start of the Baja Ha-Ha because it's a great opportunity to connect with San Diego's thriving sailing culture.
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Washing, waxing, varnishing. “Everything looks great! It was a huge relief."
Big Fun for Everyone
Richmond Yacht Club (RYC) is pleased to announce the 29th Sail a Small Boat Day to be held on December 4, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Americans Take Fourth at 49er Worlds
Oman played host to the 2021 49er and Nacra 17 Worlds on November 16-21.
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Sell your boat faster with Seacoast! Your go-to yacht brokerage, serving local boating communities along the West Coast.
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