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Australia Event Is This Week
The US SailGP Team announced that 23-year-old Anna Weis will trial with the team at this week's Australia SailGP in Sydney.
Wisdoms of Age
Against all of our youthful instincts, wisdom prevailed and the decision was made to head up to Potato Slough in the Delta the next morning.
New Mark Off Crissy Field
On Sunday, Lisa Blackaller Williams cracked a bottle of champagne on the side of a new, and much larger, YRA buoy #16. The buoy is named after her father, Tom Blackaller.
Sponsored Post
All of our models are hand-made from scratch by artists with decades in the industry, right here in America.
Weather Alert
Hawaii's small craft advisory remains in effect as "moderate to strong thunderstorms" move across the far southwestern offshore waters early this morning.
A Little Sailing Etymology
"Does anyone know the true history of those pieces of yarn we poke through the luffs of our jibs to determine whether the sails are in trim, stalled, or luffing?
A Bonus for These Readers
Congratulations to all our winners,. We look forward to seeing you out on the Bay sporting your new Latitude 38 gear.
Answer by Sunday
The US Match Racing Championships Committee is considering a proposal to require at least one female on each team.
Did you raise your sails last month?
Sailors were out in force across November, and as a result, we have dozens of photos of happy, smiling sailors doing what they love!
Sailing for Your Ears
Listen in as Nicki and Kayleen talk about merging your passions for sailing and snowboarding, learning the engine and electrical system of your boat, cultivating a community around shared passions, finding a sailing mentor, and living aboard.
Doublehanded from Le Havre to Martinique
The 15th edition of the doublehanded Transat Jacques Vabre is drawing to a close with all four divisions having been decided.
Aside from immersing ourselves in the excitement of 600 people about to sail to Mexico, we love the start of the Baja Ha-Ha because it's a great opportunity to connect with San Diego's thriving sailing culture.