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YRA Awards and OYC Open House

Although it’s looking like a fabulous weekend to go sailing at latitude 38° N, we’ve got a couple of indoor events you might like to attend.

Oakland Yacht Club Open House

yacht club members
These friendly folks invite you to come check out their yacht club tomorrow.
© 2019 Oakland Yacht Club

The first will be on Saturday. It’s from 4 to 6 p.m., so you could go sailing first, or even cruise in to Alameda. Oakland Yacht Club, in Pacific Marina on the Alameda side of the Estuary, will host an open house. They invite guests to visit their club and learn about the following:

  • Networking with fellow sailors
  • Social events
  • Racing on your own boat or other people’s boats
  • Cruising to new locations around the Bay
  • Slips in their private marina
  • Fine dining with great views

Learn more at or call the club at (510) 522-6868.

YRA Trophy Party

This Sunday, Latitude 38’s publisher, John Arndt, will MC the Yacht Racing Association’s awards presentation. Berkeley YC will host the party from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Latitude’s racing editor will also be on hand to announce the 2019 Queen of the Women’s Circuit. (Now aren’t you just dying to know who it is? You’ll just have to show up to find out.)

Sonata crew ladies
The 2018 Queen of the Women’s Circuit, Alice Shinn was nominated by her crew on the Laser 28 Sonata. Left to right: Susan Simpkin, Queen Alice, Alessandra Nociaro and Susan Sanders at last year’s YRA Trophy Party.
© 2019 Latitude 38 Media LLC / Chris

We’ll also be taking photos to include in the next installments of our Season Champions series of features.

Partygoers can munch on appetizers, buy drinks from the bar, pick up their rewards from a well-sailed season, and catch up with buddies from all over the Bay Area. The YRA encourages skippers to bring their crew, but they’d like to know how many people to expect. You can help out by pre-registering online. We hope that, rather than just picking up your own goodies and splitting, you’ll stick around to cheer for the season champions. The presentation should start around 2 p.m.

For more events this weekend, check out our Calendar.


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