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What Would You Do With $8.6 Million Available for Boating Access?

$8.6 million can sound like a lot, though some might spend that on a single yacht. However, it could also improve boating access for thousands of sailors if invested in small-boat launch ramps with nearby parking for trailers. For those with visions on how to allow future generations to sail the Pacific or the lakes of California, $8.6 million just might help move some of these ideas from dream to reality. It could help Doug Morris with his dreams for Port San Luis, or your local project.

Encinal Launch Ramp - JA
The launch ramp behind Encinal High School in Alameda is one of many available, but there could be more.
© 2023 Latitude 38 Media LLC / John

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife Boating Access Grant Program is giving dreamers until November 3 to submit proposals for the 2023-2024 Boating Access Program, which will reimburse the costs of projects that seek to acquire, develop, renovate, maintain or improve facilities that create or enhance public access to California waters for recreational boating. Sounds pretty cool.

Going from imagining to the check’s actually landing in your organization’s bank account always feels like an insurmountable hurdle. To help, the Department of Fish and Wildlife plans an online seminar on October 4 at 10:30 a.m. to show you how to get the money. That will make it easy, right?

To learn more about the seminar, click here. Or, if you’re ready to dive in and start submitting a proposal, there’s a button labeled “How to Apply.”

Horseshoe Cove
Couldn’t most existing launch ramps get an upgrade? More parking, better docks, easier access?
© 2023 James Dilworth

The money is available for a long list of things related to boating access, but two stood out to us: launching and landing facilities for paddle craft and non-motorized boats (sounds like sailboats to us) and dinghy docks. There are many other ways to use the money, but those two categories sound as if they could help a lot of sailors. Imagine welcoming dinghy docks around the shores of San Francisco Bay, as well as space to launch non-motorized, carbon-footprint-free sailboats.

Pier 1 1/2
A “little” money equals a lot of access to the central feature of the Bay Area: the Bay itself!
© 2023 Latitude 38 Media LLC / Rob

You probably have more questions, and the State of California has an email where you can ask the experts: [email protected].


  1. JOE MACIOROWSKI 1 year ago

    Dinghy docks, dinghy docks, dinghy docks. We try to go to events and places by sailboat around the bay, eating out, touring a new area, going to the Crew Party, a sailing event …No place to come in by boat… I have asked many times about arriving by boat and getting a slip or a place to anchor out and safely leave a dinghy only to get nothing. Why is it so hard to park a dinghy around here.

    State Parks should be embarrassed by the condition of the docks at Ayala Cove, Angel Island. ( Had to get that in ) We would love to use more wind and less carbon to get around and we do. But, if you think parking a car is bad in the bay area try finding a place to park a boat or dinghy.

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