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Wet Weekend Weather and King Tides Return

Saturday looks likely to bring classic conditions for flooding in Sausalito and other North Bay estuaries. There’s a rainy storm that will arrive with strong winds and a king tide that will peak at the Golden Gate at 0945. These are the conditions that put Gate 5 Road and many other areas of Richardson Bay underwater. Though now there are far fewer resident boats on Richardson Bay, those that remain will face the winter storm conditions that have damaged so many others.

King Tide at Clipper Harbor flooded
This photo was taken on a calm king-tide day in Sausalito. Adding strong southerly winds can make these situations much worse.
© 2024 Robert Sanford

The California Coastal Commission is again asking anyone who’s out braving the elements to submit photos of king tides that will be occurring today through Sunday. You can submit king-tide photos to the Coastal Commission here. Woody Skoriak caught some great photos in Sausalito during a November king-tide weekend with much nicer weather. The rain and southerly wind could make it more dramatic this weekend.

Unfortunately, the Saturday weather also looks like as if it will be challenging for midwinters and Saturday night lighted yacht parades. We hope everyone makes the best of it and has dock lines, fenders and chafing gear ready for the winter weather.


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It's Looking Festive Out There
The festive season is well underway, and for the Bay Area, nothing says it better than lighted boats parading up and down the foreshores.