Episode #1: John Arndt Welcomes You to Good Jibes with Latitude 38
Welcome to Latitude 38’s new podcast, Good Jibes, bringing you the world of sailing through the eyes of the West Coast Sailor. Each week, you’ll hear stories and tips from the West Coast sailing community on cruising, racing, and just plain sailing. In this pilot episode, Publisher John Arndt shares the story of Latitude 38 with fellow sailor and host Ryan Foland. Hear how Latitude 38 came to be, John’s favorite parts of sailing, and what to expect in future episodes. This episode covers everything from John’s love of sailing to the most exciting parts of publishing Latitude 38.
Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:
- What is a story that shaped John?
- Where did Latitude 38 come from?
- What is a Thunderbird?
- When did John start working at Latitude 38?
- What is a tack and a jibe?
- Why does John love publishing Latitude 38?
- What is Summer Sailstice?
- Tack or Jibe: East Coast or West Coast sailing?
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and your other favorite podcast spots – follow and leave a 5-star review if you’re feeling the Good Jibes! Good Jibes is a weekly podcast hosted by John Arndt, Nicki Bennett, Ryan Foland, and the team at Latitude 38 – the sailing magazine for West Coast sailors since 1977! Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com.

Good Jibes is brought to you by the Safe Boating Campaign, in partnership with the National Safe Boating Council and U.S. Coast Guard. Learn more at SafeBoatingCampaign.com.
Show Notes
- Welcome to Good Jibes with Latitude 38
- [0:22] Welcome to Good Jibes with Latitude 38
- [0:24] Ryan Foland
- [0:42] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- [0:56] John Arndt
- [2:09] Good Jibes is brought to you by the Safe Boating Campaign, in partnership with the National Safe Boating Council and U.S. Coast Guard. Learn more at SafeBoatingCampaign.com
- [2:36] What is a story that shaped John?
- [3:16] Dove by Robin Lee Graham
- [3:28] What is a Thunderbird?
- [4:28] Camper Nicholson 35-1
- [5:50] Davis Instruments Classic Sexton
- [6:42] Nordic 40, Max Fletcher
- Latitude 38
- [9:01] Where did Latitude 38 come from?
- [9:22] Bill Lee, Merlin
- [10:54] Lynn & Larry Pardey, Serafin
- [11:10] Pandemic
- [11:18] #RaiseYourSails
- [11:24] When did Latitude 38 get on John’s radar?
- [11:53] St. Francis Yacht Club
- [12:08] Paul Cayard, U.S. Sailing Olympic Committee
- [12:53] Richard Spindler
- [13:19] What is a tack and a jibe?
- [13:40] When did John start working at Latitude 38?
- [14:31] Tim Stapleton
- [15:11] What does John love the most about publishing Latitude 38?
- [15:56] Ranger 33
- [18:35] Why is Latitude 38 still in print?
- [18:53] The Atlantic, National Geographic (Nat Geo)
- [20:04] Where can you pick up Latitude 38?
- [20:45] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- [21:09] Latitude 38 Distribution
- [22:00] Classifieds
- [22:48] Sail Magazine
- [24:00] Podcast
- [25:13] What is Summer Sailstice?
- [28:22] Summer Sailstice in The New York Times
- [29:27] #RaiseYourSails
- [30:27] What is the Baja Ha-Ha?
- [32:30] VHF Radio
- [32:57] Ryan’s first racing experience
- [33:45] What is the Pacific Puddle Jump?
- [36:13] What is the Delta Doo Dah?
- [36:28] What is the SoCal Ta-Ta?
- [38:00] John’s story about Merlin in the Transpac
- [38:52] Previous issues of Latitude 38
- Tack or Jibe?
- [39:23] What is John’s favorite model of boat?
- [39:58] Sabre 32
- [40:10] What is John’s split of cruising and raising?
- [40:27] What is his longest voyage?
[40:39] Would he prefer to sail on the West Coast or East Coast? - [41:08] What would he tell someone on a powerboat to get them on a sailboat?
- [42:47] What would he tell someone who’s never participated in Summer Sailstice?
- [42:54] #RaiseYourSails
- [43:28] Good Jibes is brought to you by the Safe Boating Campaign, in partnership with the National Safe Boating Council and U.S. Coast Guard. Learn more at SafeBoatingCampaign.com
- [43:32] What is John’s most important safety piece other than a life jacket?
- [44:16] What is his favorite sailing-themed book?
- [46:16] Ryan’s articles on Engine, Running Aground, Chartering in Croatia
- [47:38] Email us your sailing stories at [email protected]
- [48:50] Good Jibes is brought to you by the Safe Boating Campaign, in partnership with the National Safe Boating Council and U.S. Coast Guard. Learn more at SafeBoatingCampaign.com
- [49:42] Make sure to follow Good Jibes with Latitude 38 on your favorite podcast spot and leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts
- [50:02] Follow our sponsor, the Safe Boating Campaign, on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @boatingcampaign and use the hashtags #SafeBoating and #RealBoatersWearit. Learn more at SafeBoatingCampaign.com
- [50:40] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- Theme Song: Pineapple Dream by SOLXIS