March Issue of Latitude 38 Is Out Tomorrow!
Welcome to the March issue of Latitude 38 — it’s out tomorrow — just in time for the upcoming extended sailing hours. In just a week or so we will gain one extra hour of evening light. This does, of course, mean it will be darker in the morning around wake-up time, but just for a little while. Once the change begins it’s a quick, slippery slope into endless hours of sunshine. So, with that in mind, here’s a quick preview of what’s coming up when the magazine hits the docks tomorrow, March 1.
Fleetwood Lost on Cuban Reef
Jack Van Ommen experienced his third shipwreck in early February 2022. Far from calling it quits, the 84-year-old is taking stock and planning ahead.
Three Bridge Fiasco — Have a Plan
Want to win the Three Bridge Fiasco? Start with a strategy. That’s what Jim Quanci did on January 29, 2022. We asked him how he accomplished his overall singlehanded victory.
Max Ebb — It’s About Time
“It was the first big race weekend of the year, and I was invited to call tactics on a boat much bigger, faster and newer than my own. Etiquette demanded that I arrive a little before dock time, for this first invite on a new ride, but I was not the only crew waiting at the locked dock gate. Lee Helm was already there.”
Also in the March issue:
- Letters: Weird, Weird, Weird, Weird Vibrations; Stranger Things; Size Matters. Smaller Is Better; Hanking on for Dear Life; and many more …
- Racing Sheet: Hot Soup in San Francisco; Hot Chili in Sausalito; Hot Pizza in Redwood City; and other racing stories.
- Sightings: SailGP Shootout on San Francisco Bay; Nothin Much in Catalina; The Winds of Change; The Story Behind the Sailagram Photos; and other stories.
- Changes in Latitudes: Sean Kolk and Kate Schnippering — Mysteries of the Deep; Scott and Ashley take the long, scenic route to Chesapeake Bay; and much more.
- Loose Lips: Check out February’s Caption Contest(!) winner and top 10 comments.
- The sailboat owners and buyers’ bible, Classy Classifieds.
If you’ve subscribed to Latitude 38, you should receive your February issue in the mail any minute now. If you haven’t subscribed, you’re missing out. But you can pick up your copy from your favorite distributor.