Join Nicki Bennett and Olivia Wyatt on Good Jibes #28
Welcome back to Good Jibes! This week’s host, Nicki Bennett, is joined by Olivia Wyatt to chat about finding the beauty in nature and yourself through sailing. Olivia is an award-winning filmmaker, TV producer, writer, and USCG 50-Ton Master-certified captain with over 20,000 nautical miles of offshore sailing experience.
Hear how to become more confident as a sailor, how sailing can inspire your creative work, about the strength of the sailing community, how sailors can make a positive impact on the environment, and what Olivia learned singlehanding from San Diego to Hawaii.

Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:
- How long did Olivia own a boat before she singlehanded from San Diego to Hawaii?
- What was her biggest lesson on that trip to Hawaii?
- How does filmmaking fit into her life as a sailor?
- What’s the easiest way you can reduce your use of plastic?
- How does being a sailor influence Olivia’s creative work?
- Why are there more singlehanding males than females?
- How has modernization impacted the communities Olivia’s traveled to?
- Short Tacks: What does she keep in her ditch bag?
Learn more about Olivia at WildernessOfWaves.com and Instagram @WildernessOfWaves.
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