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Did You Find ‘Max Ebb’ This Month?

If you took the opportunity of more late-spring rain to read your copy of Latitude 38 this past weekend and ended up frustrated you couldn’t find Max Ebb this month, we thought we’d help you out. The ever-creative Max sent in a unique column, with Max and Lee dining out at sea. The story leads with, “Spencer Tracy, playing the Old Man in the 1958 version of The Old Man and the Sea, has this to say about fresh-caught mahi-mahi (also known as dorado or dolphin-fish): ‘What an excellent fish dolphin is to eat cooked,’ he said. ‘And what a miserable fish raw.'” Then somehow it moves on to Mountain House blueberry granola.

The off-watch for two.
© 2023 Latitude 38 Media LLC / Max Ebb

With a unique, single-page column of Max we thought we’d shake it up and move it from its usual place at the end of our feature section and move it forward. We’ll give you a hint: It’s on page 53.

Speaking of Max, while some of our crew were at Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show on the weekend we attended SailGP. While talking with folks in the long line at the entrance, we spoke with a former bowman who’d sailed with Max and Lee on Swiftsure in the ’80s. He recounted a classic foredeck tale of being on the bow during a practice sail for the Big Boat Series in a stiff Bay breeze when the dreaded easing of the topping lift landed the heavy 26-ft aluminum pole squarely on his head. The full shock left him bloodied and crumpled on the foredeck. He did not make BBS that year and was replaced by two guys from the 12M Victory, which had recently been eliminated from the America’s Cup challenger selection series. Happily, he recovered and was back to spectate from a safe distance.



  1. Max Crittenden 2 years ago

    Max writes: “Toss the can overboard? Check the Notice of Race.” It would be a good idea to check MARPOL too. The law was amended a few years ago. While it used to be legal to sink your cans and glass when you’re well offshore, now it’s just as much a no-no as tossing plastic.

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