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Sailors' Stories
Hear what goes into building a tall ship, how to sail from Minnesota to the Caribbean, abandon ship, dodge hurricanes and winter, and about Alan’s five years at a Buddhist monastery.
From the Archives
Today we're taking a step back to January 18, 2013, when the day's news included snippets of ocean racing, kiteboarding (no foils yet), and seeing the light.
All you need do is get out of bed
While many of us were lounging at home with coffee and the paper, some intrepid sailors were fulfilling their mission to work on expanding their club's programs. The reward for getting out of bed on a rainy Saturday was an impromptu sail in the break between downpours.
From the Magazine
James Harden DeWitt was born in Oakland on February 13, 1930. Jim became fascinated by sailboats and art at an early age. When he was 7, he drew pictures of sailboats while watching his dad build a 19-ft sloop in their backyard.
Racing Around the World
The Ocean Race, formerly the Volvo Ocean Race, started Sunday in Alicante, Spain, for the first leg of the 32,000-mile round-the-world race. Five red-hot, foiling IMOCA 60s, including American entry 11th Hour Racing, were on the line.
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If you can't go sailing right now, get your boat serviced or repaired instead.
Bill Erkelens COO for Circumnavigation
The Ocean Race starts next Sunday, January 15, with Bay Area sailor Bill Erkelens on the team as chief operating officer.
From the Magazine
The northward Baja Bash has a notorious reputation for testing boats and crew morale, especially during the typical May/June time frame, when insurers coax cruisers clear of potential hurricanes.
The Question Is…
The first weekend of the month is the busiest for midwinters on San Francisco Bay, but some clubs are canceling tomorrow's races.
May 2023 bring you good health and happiness, and everything your sailing heart desires.