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Holiday Preparations
A beautiful weekend is ahead, with winter weather to follow. Be prepared.
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Powering the perfect experience with Volvo Penta: Engines, Parts, Service.
How deep does a penguin dive?
Do you know how deep a human being has dived (and when)? What's the largest type of crab? Check out this cool fact finder: "The Deep Sea."
Part 2 of 'My Worst Day Sailing'
On Monday we shared Richard Spindler's story of what he thought could have been his worst day of sailing in 50 years. The tale continues…
A Good Tip!
As November became December, Max Ebb decided to take up Lee Helm's suggestion and found himself shopping for books. But not the ones you might expect…
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Professional yacht care with personal service.
Long, short, deep and high
In San Francisco, the precise time of the winter solstice today is 1:48 p.m. And in case you missed it, sunrise was at 0721. Sunset will be at 1653.
Sailors' Stories
At 85, Jack van Ommen has spent more than 20 years living on his boat, and sailing the world alone. In this episode you will hear the story of Jack's third shipwreck.
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Learn more about what factors to consider in making a yacht purchase decision that’s right for you.
Latitude 38's Online Bookstore
We've always liked to say that 'Latitude' is written for readers, or for those who appreciate holding a hard copy of some sailing literature in their hands.
Circumnavigation in Class 40 Sailboats
Sailing in the Globe 40 race, the doublehanded Class 40s have finished a marathon leg of ocean racing and arrived in Ushuaia, Argentina.
Jumping Overboard for a Dip
How often do you think about the creatures that may be lurking beneath your boat while you're out at sea, or in the Bay, or even docked at the marina?
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The perfect gift for sailors, and one that will last all year!
Ancient Mariners Sailing Society
The Ancient Mariners Sailing Society's wild and wacky Half Pint-o-Rum Race boasts of many shenanigans not normally seen in your typical yacht race.
Tucked in the Pages
First, he found a new-to-him sailboat in the pages of 'Latitude 38' and, later, John Daughters opened another issue of 'Latitude 38' to find a winning, blue-colored "Golden Ticket."
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Let our experienced team introduce you to the 2021 Dufour 390 at our docks in Alameda.
Challenges Offshore
James Mercer experienced his rite of passage during the Spinnaker Cup, in conditions that were less than favorable.
The Perils of Sailing
While contesting a friendly charity race, Richard Spindler experienced what he thought could very well have been his worst-ever day of sailing.
Digital Sailing Instruction
Will robots start teaching sailing? We were curious to find out how ChatGPT would instruct us to jibe a spinnaker.
Advocating for the Waterfront
For years now, we've heard that Ayala Cove has become too shallow for many sailboats. Readers have asked us what we've heard about dredging around Angel Island, which is part of the California State Parks system.
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Professional yacht care with personal service.
The Crew Get Together
Our first "Office Christmas Party" in three years!
Sailing into the New Year
While checking off the last few races of 2022 in the next couple of weeks, we're already penciling in regattas in our 2023 calendar.
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Plan ahead this Holiday season. There's something for every sailor at the Latitude 38 Online Bookstore.
Midwinter Storm
Saturday's storm packed a powerful punch as it swept through California.
Sailing Stories
After October 2021's "Atmospheric Bomb" storm Mary SwiftSwan spoke with the USCG and various harbormasters to survey the aftermath along the Bay Area's waterfront, which included 18 boats destroyed or reported with damage.
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Open House this weekend at Cruising Yachts in Alameda.
Heading South
The Baja Ha-Ha fleet is now spreading out across Mexico.
Sunken Ships
When two ships collide, it's unlikely there will be no damage. In this case, while one sank, the other sailed on. Until…
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The perfect gift for sailors, and one that will last all year!
Powered by the Wind
Emirates Team New Zealand has broken the wind-powered land-speed record set by Richard Jenkins on Ivanpah Lake in California's Mojave Desert in 2009.
A Question for the Nation
Here's a question for those of you who are fluent in the language of the PHRF.
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The Bay Area's headquarters for bottom painting, fiberglass repair and holiday cheer.
Off the Proven Track
Forbidden zones usually exist for a reason, and it behooves us as sailors to be aware of not only those zones, but also the reasons behind them.
From the Magazine
This is the story of 'Rosebud,' a Santa Cruz 52 commissioned by Roger and Isobel Sturgeon in December 1997. It nabbed the cover of the October 1999 'Latitude 38' and led to the build of two other great 'Rosebud's.
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Plan ahead this Holiday season. There's something for every sailor at the Latitude 38 Online Bookstore.
SoCal Fall Yacht Racing
Blessed with fine fall weather, San Diego Yacht Club wrapped up the three-part Hot Rum Series on December 3.
The World Famous L38
Welcome to our last Caption Contest(!) for 2022! Although you'll have to wait until the new year to see the winners.
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Navtec Hydraulic systems are built for boats like yours.
Collision, Holing, Sinking, Rescue
Ryan Finn has been rescued from a sinking 44-ft custom trimaran in the Atlantic Ocean.
The Sailing Books That Made Us
The legacy that Joshua Slocum left behind is unparalleled in the sailing universe, in both his feat as a mariner, and his lasting prose as a writer. 'Sailing Alone Around the World' continues to inspire sailors of all stripes.
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There's still time! Time to buy yourself a new boat for Christmas, and time to list your current boat for sale in next month's Classy Classifieds — only if you want to, of course. There's nothing wrong with having more than one!
It's Your Turn
The latest draft Delta Conveyance would negatively impact recreational boaters' ability to navigate in waterways of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Sailors' Stories
This week we’re casting off with the article “Galápagos National Park — A Dream Dive Destination” from the September 2022 issue of 'Latitude 38,' read by fellow sailor and host Monica Grant.
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Visit Vallejo Marina and enjoy the guest and fuel dock, free pump-outs, full service boatyard and chandlery, plus two restaurants!
Maritime Tragedy Uncovered
The wreck of a steamship that sank in the Pacific Northwest in 1875 has been discovered approximately 40 miles south of Cape Flattery, WA.
Eight Bells
San Francisco and the sport of sailing has lost a giant, as RC Keefe passed away at age 90 last weekend.
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Plan ahead this Holiday season. There's something for every sailor at the Latitude 38 Online Bookstore.
Photos of the Day
Encinal Yacht Club hosted the 2022 Columbia 5.5 Fall Regatta on Sunday, November 20.
New Dates, New Location
We've waited patiently, and the time has come: After a three-year break, The Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show is back on May 4–7, 2023.
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Learn more about what factors to consider in making a yacht purchase decision that’s right for you.
Online Shopping
There are many places to find great presents for your favorite sailor. Have you thought about checking out the 'Latitude 38' Classifieds?
Sailing In Pictures
We love the sailing community, and we appreciate the photos you send us each month. And now we know how 'Sailagram' helps new sailors too!
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
New Views of the Bay
You can sail the Bay every day and still see things you might not have noticed before. Vikas Kapur sent us a view that we've missed over many, many sails.
Winter Season Yacht Racing
The first weekend of the Berkeley Midwinters Series was exactly what we have come to expect from the Midwinters.
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Beautifully maintained Dragonfly 1200 Trimaran for sale.
Read of the Week: 'The Long Way'
Just to be clear, my telling you about my favorite sailing book — yet again — is an attempt to get you to tell us about your favorite sailing book. Can you say why it's your favorite? Can you say how it "made you" the sailor that you are?
Youth Sailing Is Growing
Launched in 2019, the Siebel Sailors Program, US Sailing’s initiative to get more youth into sailing across the country, has served over 700+ youths annually.
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