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It can be hard to understand why some would choose to sail north until you see the raw beauty of the anchorages. Yes, it's cold, but if you're looking to get away from it all, this is the way to succeed.
I added these chafe guards in the spring of 2016. They are still intact, serving their purpose after somewhere around one hundred evenings at anchor in a large variety of conditions, some of them quite extreme.
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As an essential business, we want you to know that we are here to (safely) help you keep your boat ready to shelter in place on the Bay and beyond. Wishing you a safe, sane and happy Holiday Season!
Niklas Hache was singlehanding his 22-ft Santana outside Berkeley Marina when his boom swung and knocked him overboard. The current and the cold water quickly conspired to create a life-threatening situation for the 32-year-old sailor.
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Complete your ASA IQCs at MSC! Our new instructors receive 100% tuition reimbursement for each clinic after teaching their first course at the level.
Jean Le Cam on board Yes We Cam! is continuing his ultra-impressive Vendée Globe. He's waiting on a jury decision as to how much redress he will receive after rescuing PRB’s Kevin Escoffier.
The World Famous L38
December is here, and we're excited to bring you another fun Caption Contest(!). Give us your best shot ....
Shelter-in-Place Special: $10 for 3 Months
Our Shelter-in-Place special is back for the winter. Get Latitude 38 delivered to your home for January, February and March, and sip on whatever you like.
Jimmy Spithill has signed as CEO and helm of the United States SailGP Team. Spithill will lead the American team vying for the $1 million prize…
After a relatively stable couple of months, the most recent health orders in the state of California and most Bay Area counties have race committees once again scrambling to adjust to the ongoing pandemic.
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Enjoy a 'One Week Take Over' vacation in Loreto, Baja California Sur. 
We recently bought a 1989 Sabre 38 MkII in Long Beach, and with the arrival of Thanksgiving, we decided to take our pod south for the weekend to get to know the boat and the Long Beach area.
December is here, and along with it, the 12th 2020 issue of Latitude 38 magazine. Thank you for being there and for being our inspiration for putting together this awesome magazine every month.
Let us bring Latitude to you
Our Shelter-in-Place special is back for the winter. Get Latitude 38 delivered to your home for January, February and March, and sip on whatever you like.
The Bay Area Waterfront
Runoff and debris flowed into the Estuary forcing firefighters to pause their efforts to control the blaze that engulfed the former Cryer & Sons Boatyard building.
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Complete your ASA IQCs at MSC! Our new instructors receive 100% tuition reimbursement for each clinic after teaching their first course at the level.
Nonstop Around the World Race
Kevin Escoffier, positioned some 550 miles southwest of Cape Town in the Vendée Globe solo nonstop around-the-world race, has triggered his distress beacon.
As a retired US Army Corps of Engineers LTC, Len was always appreciative of friends sending him new Latitude 38s whenever he was deployed.
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Whether you need a power catamaran to support your day charter business, a luxury sailing catamaran, a commercial passenger ferry, or anything in between, we can build it.
On Monday, SailGP announced an updated schedule for the first half of its second season. The opening events will now happen in Bermuda and Taranto, Italy.
It was almost 'Goldilocks' weather for the Berkeley Midwinters — not too hot, not too cold, but juuust right! The sun was shining, the air was clear and breathable, and there was wind.
Let us bring Latitude to you
Our Shelter-in-Place special is back for the winter. Get Latitude 38 delivered to your home for January, February and March, and sip on whatever you like.
The Sunday before we were set to fly to Greece, we were banned from entering the EU. By some miracle, we were able to charter a yacht in Turkey.
A lot of sailors are under the impression that checking into Mexico in Cabo San Lucas is impossible or difficult. There are a few changes in the procedure for checking in there.
Solo Nonstop Round-the-World Race
The Vendée Globe has been further shaped by attrition. Englishman Alex Thomson continues to bleed miles and positions while effecting repairs to his stricken IMOCA 60 Hugo Boss.
The first racing between the teams will be the Prada America's Cup World Series Auckland and Christmas Race coming up on December 17-20.
The year 2020 will be remembered for several unrelated reasons, but the coronavirus has proved the most daunting for sailboat racing. It has challenged on several fronts…