Where Can You Go Cruising in Northern California?
A reputation that we’re saddled with here at the latitude of 37.7749° north is that there aren’t many places to cruise — other than the Delta, of course. Let’s assume for a moment that you’ve done the Delta Doo Dah (it’s free!), and that you’re intimately familiar with the 1,000-plus miles of waterways there are to explore to the north. Where might you go cruising next?
Seriously, where would you go?
For the forthcoming June 2022 issue of Latitude 38, we’re putting together a list of Northern California cruising destinations, and we need your help.
Have you done Drake’s and/or Tomales Bay? Have you ventured to Bodega Bay, or braved the extreme tides and narrow entrances in Fort Bragg’s Noyo Harbor or beyond? Do you take the occasional jaunt to Half Moon Bay, Santa Cruz or Moss Landing? Do you stretch your legs as far as San Luis Obispo? Is Santa Barbara a realistic, not-too-bashy-on-the-return destination for a two-week trip?
Or are there lesser-known or hidden-in-plain-sight gems inside the Bay that have always been a favorite destination of yours?
We’d like to hear from you. While we’re certainly interested in ideal weather windows that might present themselves in the fall, when the sea breezes are a little more at bay, we’re especially curious about practicable destinations for the summer.
Let’s have it then. Please bombard us with stories, pictures, weather-routing suggestions, your favorite restaurants, coffee shops and bars, etc. You can comment below, or email me directly here.
Happy sails!
If you don’t have much time, hard to beat Clipper Cove.
Humboldt Bay is not to be missed. No how, no way. Just for openers, it is the home port of the legendary Vets For Peace Golden Rule peace vessel. And the locals will be sure to welcome you like family – as they did us.
Anchor overnight at Ano Nuevo.
Yes, it’s rolly but rare to see another boat.
My long time crew finally said no more, too rolly.