Weekend Weather Wonders While Sailing San Francisco Bay
If memory serves us correctly, which it rarely does, the weather again feels different. Regardless, we had a perfectly normal, breezy Friday night race this past weekend, but then one of the warmest, light-wind/no-wind sails we can remember for a Saturday evening in June. These weather wonders made it all very pleasant.
We didn’t get very far, but we weren’t trying to go anywhere anyway. We were just out to take friends sailing, take in the sights, and simply go where the wind blows. Though we didn’t actually find wind to blow us anywhere, we weren’t alone in our quest.
The constant weather headlines always have us wondering about such a light breeze on a June Saturday, a rainy, stormy Vallejo Race, and every odd cloud and wind shift. Has it always been like this? Is our memory faulty? Whatever it is, it’s always interesting to be chasing the wind on the Bay.
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First and always Nice to any Sail Boat involved in Racing, there is hardly any thing that I would complain about, only thing that would get a Thumbs down would be an event that was held with a Mean Crew, If you are a person who loves to see Faults in Sail Racing, you should go and get a Speed Boat and stay off the water, maybe be a Bicycle racer!! I hope that was an acceptable comment, any one involved in Racing should Smile and get out on the water.
Back sometime in the 80’s I believe it was, we had a wonderful El Nino summer when we went swimming off the beach on the east side of Angel Island. No wetsuit, no chill. Some big game fish like they catch in Mexico were being caught locally.
The following year it was back to the cold.