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The New Crew List — Live and Online

The recent Crew List Party at the Bay Model in Sausalito may have been one of the largest in its 40-plus-year history, and was held to do what it’s always done: connect prospective crew members with prospective skippers. It was large because so many people want to go sailing.

It was also a chance to announce the launch of our redesigned, new online Crew List page, which is the digital version of making connections at a Crew List Party. Not everyone can make the party, and we can’t party all the time, so getting your skipper or crew information entered in the Crew List is the next best thing.

You’ll find categories for both skippers and crew who want to daysail on the Bay, race on the Bay, cruise the coast, cruise Mexico, or just sail any style and anywhere.

Stephanie, Laura, Kira and Joni were there to find or become crew. Red tags are looking for crew, blue tags are looking to become crew. If you can’t meet in person, meet on the online Crew List.
© 2021 Latitude 38 Media LLC / Nicki

When you enter your information you can add photos of yourself or your boat and include information on your sailing résumé. Don’t worry if your sailing résumé is a bit thin — there are loads of people who want to share sailing and help you add more miles to your sailing experience. As always, honesty is the best policy.

The recent boom in the boat market has meant lots of boat sales, and many buyers are new sailors looking for new crew. We’ve got a story in our upcoming October issue on a young woman who took an oceanography course in college just over five years ago; she crewed in the Transpac race this summer and now has her own boat on which she’s planning to do the next Transpac in 2023. Once you jump in, things can move quickly!

Crew Party
Call of the Sea opened up the Matthew Turner for dockside tours just ahead of the party.
© 2021 Latitude 38 Media LLC / Chris

Speaking of the crew lists and parties, last Wednesday we wrote that we would draw names from the lists of sailors who signed up on the new Crew List page before 8 p.m. that night, and we have some winners to announce.

Congratulations to Cherie Meyer, Doug Moler, and Ron Kopito who have each won a Latitude 38 hat!

If you’re a skipper and want some folks to help share the work and the pleasures of sailing the Bay or sailing over the horizon, we particularly urge you to add your name. The crew list is there to help owners of boats that sit too idle for too long because they can’t find crew. The primary shortage in the Bay Area isn’t boats, breeze or sunny sailing days — it’s time. Time to find and organize a crew. The crew list can’t solve all these problems, but we think it will save you some precious time and help everyone sail more.

Add your name to the list and see where it takes you.


  1. Rochelle 10 months ago

    Some guys (most it seems) looking at crew list want only young women. 60 + is taboo even if they are 75. You can say be nice all you want. This is not. they contact then disappear if you don’t fit their “criteria “. They want experience but 30 yrs, offshore and ocean passages aren’t enough? Gmab.

  2. Rocky 10 months ago

    Why keep it friendly? Tell the “guys” that just want fair maidens for “sleep” to stop advertising for “crew”.

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A big "thank you" to Allyn Schafer for sharing this awesome shot, which has now become September's Caption Contest(!).