South Bay Yacht Club Clears Away Old Docks
The South Bay Yacht Club had told us of their plans to participate in California Coastal Cleanup Day by clearing away the last of the old rotting docks that had been in place since the late 1960s.

On Monday, the club sent us photos of their successful cleanup event.

The removal of the old docks was imperative in enabling the Alviso marshlands to be restored to their natural condition.

This coming Saturday, The South Bay Yacht Club is holding its fourth annual Oyster Pirate Party at its clubhouse in Alviso. Everyone is welcome to join the fun. And there’s no need to worry about starving because you don’t like oysters; there will also be hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken ‘peg-leg’ drumsticks.
There’ll even be entertainment — Mordecai and Suska will be playing nautical music, singing sea chanteys, and generally clowning around.

If this sounds like your kind of party, RSVP at http://www.regathon.com/sbyc
Do you remember visiting the old docks at The South Bay Yacht Club? Send us your historical memories at [email protected].