Did You See Who’s in Sailagram? Bay Area Sailors Doing What They Love
After that initial dose of rain in the Bay Area, it’s been pretty much smooth sailing: light airs, sunshine and great days on the water. The weekend ahead looks similar, though NOAA’s Saturday prediction has some breeze with possible gusts to 20 knots. Sunday’s a little mellower.
If you’re headed out, we’d love to see some photos captured on the weekend so we can add them to next month’s Sailagram. Send yours to [email protected]. The pics below are just some of the photos included in our November Sailagram, which was released on November 2 with dozens of photos sent in from readers up and down the coast. We received photos from #shesailsBWS in Marina del Rey among many others celebrating great days under sail.

This weekend’s sailing could include the YRA Doublehanded Midwinters #1 or midwinters from Sequoia Yacht Club, Santa Cruz Yacht Club, South Beach Yacht Club, St. Francis Yacht Club J/22s, or the Berkeley Yacht Club Chowder series. Check the monthly calendar here for sailing events near you.
Or you could go sailing. It’s well known that if you do sign up for a midwinter series you double your chances of using your boat on these beautiful winter weekends. Racing, cruising or daysailing, it looks like another weekend to offer gratitude to the Bay and your boat by going sailing. And remember to send your favorite weekend sailing shot for our December Sailagram to [email protected].