How Does One Prepare for Pacific Cruising These Days?
We received the following letter from readers and Good Jibes listeners Susanna Mahoney and Cliff Clark, who are planning to sail south with the Baja Ha-Ha in the fall. They are trying to figure out the best way to confront the huge increase in choices available for boat preparation since Cliff last went cruising 20 years ago. We thought Latitude 38 readers could help.

“My husband and I subscribe to Latitude 38 and enjoy the Good Jibes podcast regularly. Thank you for all the effort you put into both.
“We are planning to embark on a year-long cruising adventure aboard our 40-ft ketch from Marin to Costa Rica and across the Pacific to Australia, starting with 2025’s Baja Ha-Ha. My husband did this same trip 20 years ago but so much has changed with regard to safety, navigation, and coms equipment that we’re hoping you might be able to refer us to an experienced Pacific cruiser who might let us pick their brain on a variety of topics.
“With the plethora of information online, we frequently find ourselves deep down rabbit holes for even the simplest of questions about every single piece of equipment. Beyond just the frustration of the time suck, we find ourselves without a clear answer at the end. It seems every sailor has a different opinion.
“If you can recommend a person, people, or a website — something like a Consumer Reports for cruisers — with whom we might connect, we’d very much appreciate the help.”
Warm wishes for a Happy New Year,
Susanna Mahoney and Cliff Clark
Remember when before “booking flights online” there were “travel agents?” Latitude 38‘s Heading South page does have the First Timer’s Guide to Mexico and Pat McIntosh’s Cruising Notes, but we know there are endless more sources of good advice. How do you narrow them down?
You might enjoy the Island Cruising Pacific Rally. It includes heaps of information to get ready to cruise the Pacific, all the formalities & paperwork, a detailed guide book, great discounts and connection with everyone else heading your way!
It’s likely you could do it very similarly to how you did it 20 years ago. You already know how. The rabbit hole exists because the internet is made for it. And is trying to sell you an endless amount of gear, usually by instilling fear. It can feel overwhelming. Take a breath. Don’t be afraid. You can do this.
And so you don’t think I’m writing just read myself, there is also the San Diego Marine Exchange’s Cruising Guide. https://sandiegomarine.com/cruising-guide/
Hi Susanna and Cliff. You are justified in feeling overwhelmed. The net just offers too much data… and so much of it inaccurate or useless. There are also many people who are telling you what to do but not necessarily making clear that they are pushing products or services they get for free or are paid to push. And plenty more that will charge you for coaching; giving info that used to be freely available by talking to fellow sailors. For equipment decisions, I recommend subscribing to Practical Sailor. They take no advertising and have extensive archives of all their tests and recommendations. Super useful for fitting out your boat. As for everything else, be wary of anyone who acts like they know “everything”; It means they’ve stopped questioning themselves. So much depends on what you are looking for when you go cruising: off the beaten path, lots of socializing, or ??? I’m happy to answer questions (for free). You can reach me on the contact page at svMigration.com. Cheers, Bruce