More Good Reasons to Join the Baja Ha-Ha
There are many good reasons to sail south with the Baja Ha-Ha, with one of the best being that when you’re all done, you’re in Mexico with loads of new friends. But that leaves out a few other great reasons, like the really cool lime-green Baja Ha-Ha burgee and the 2022 First Timer’s Guide to Mexico. In addition, you get free tickets for our Fall Crew List Party and Mexico Cruising Seminar to be held on Thursday, September 1, at Spaulding Marine Center.
The printed version of the First Timer’s Guide to Mexico is something you can keep in your chart table alongside the latest issue of Latitude 38. It can’t be hacked and you don’t have to search the coast of Mexico for a Wi-Fi signal or pay for Starlink to read it. Its undistracted content is available 24/7.
The latest three boats to sign up and receive their burgee and First Timer’s Guide in the mail are numbers 103 – 105. They are Steve and Susan Warner’s Catana Bali 4.1 Oz from Seattle, WA, Joe Heinzmann’s S&S Nautor Swan 55 Swan Fun from Concord, CA, and Dean Porter and Susan Porter’s Island Packet 35 Bseachamp from Portland, OR.
We recommend that those coming from the Pacific Northwest build some time into their schedule to cruise the Delta with the Delta Doo Dah as they sail south, and be in town for the Crew List party in Sausalito.
One other new benefit for 2022 is a fleet tracker, which means you can’t really “get away from it all” but will be able to share your adventure with more family and friends.
We look forward to seeing Baja Ha-Ha participants and everyone else on the Delta and in Sausalito in August and September.