Latitude 38 July Issue Out Today
Summer is here, and with it, the latest issue of Latitude 38. In this month’s magazine we preview the Pacific Cup, cover the Master Mariners Regatta, and share photos and stories of other sailors from near and far. Here’s a preview.
We found her sitting on a trailer, knee-deep in weeds, in a gravel pit on Lopez Island. Having responded to a Craigslist ad for a sailboat trailer we needed for a recently completed sailing dinghy, we found one that would work, the only condition being we had to take the boat that occupied it. When we saw that the boat was, in fact, the famed Albin Vega 27 Mahina, we agreed it was a condition we could live with and towed her home that day.
Sailboats sail, and foilers foil, but wingers go out and play. Those flying kites have the ultimate playground from the beach launch at Crissy Field.
“Steady wind, ocean swell, one of the most storied breaks on the planet; it’s just a crazy place to be with all that going on,” says Geoff Headington, an avid winger from Tiburon. “Consequently, you have a bunch of 50-year-old men who can think of nothing else but the sport, their kids, and their god.”
Also in the July issue:
- Letters: My Favorite Spots Inside the Bay; The Price of Sailing; Some Love for Pell Mell; and many more.
- Racing Sheet: California Offshore Race Week; Delta Ditch Run; Belvedere Classic and Great S.F. Schooner Race; Express 27 Nationals; and other racing news.
- Sightings: Hawaii or Bust; Kenichi Horie Does It Again; and more.
- Max Ebb: The Stars Compel
- Changes: Absolute‘s first season in Mexico; Volare‘s luck in finding a great pickup crew; West Coast boats that just completed circumnavigations; plus others, and a tasty aperitif of Cruise Notes.
- Loose Lips: Check out the June Caption Contest(!) winner and top 10 comments.
- The sailboat owners and buyers’ bible, Classy Classifieds.
If you’ve subscribed to Latitude 38, you should receive your July issue in the mail any minute now. If you haven’t subscribed, you’re missing out. But you can pick up your copy from your favorite distributor.