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‘Good Jibes’ Winners’ BoneHead Headsets Are in the Mail

Earlier this month we announced that we had five winners from our October Good Jibes BoneHead Headset promotion. Yes, it took some doing, but we were able to track down and confirm our winners. Their headsets are now in the mail and, all going well, will arrive at their destinations soon.

The winners are:

Christian Siefert from Antioch, who sails the Ericson 34 Outatime; Jim Blair from Martinez; Andy Buck from San Diego; Karla Jacobs from San Rafael — Karla wrote, “Really? I won something? OH BOY. I’ll send you a photo of me listening to your podcast. I forgot to mention that my favorite Good Jibes podcast was the one featuring Dawn Riley.” And our fifth winner, Grant Du Plooy from Concord, wrote, “Thanks for letting me know about my BoneHead win. I can’t wait to try it out on the new Jeanne Socrates podcast!”

FYI, we did draw one other winner, Pocket Cruising Trader, who wrote back, “Any chance we could offer it as a PCT donation to the community care of Lat 38?” So we did! Thank you, Pocket Cruising Trader!

Thanks to everyone who participated, and thank you to Spracht for the five sets of BoneHead headsets that we’ve given away to celebrate our first year of Good Jibes.


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