Good Jibes #58: Paul Dines on Delivering Happiness Around the Bay
This week’s host, John Arndt, is joined by Paul Dines to chat about creating unforgettable experiences for sailors on the Bay and beyond. Paul is captain of the schooner Freda B and has successfully delivered numerous private yachts up and down the West Coast.

Paul has been on San Francisco Bay since 1983 and held his captain’s license since 1994. Hear how people react to sailing the Bay for the first time, about the therapeutic nature of sailing, what it’s like captaining a different type of boat than people are used to, how to preserve the waterfront, and why kids should get into sailing.
This episode covers everything from schooners to Bay Area sailing. Here’s a small sample:
- What’s so great about sailing on San Francisco Bay?
- Did Paul grow up sailing?
- What is it like sailing the schooner Freda B?
- Who typically sails on it?
- Why should we preserve the waterfront?
- What’s changed with the waterfront over the years?
- Where has sailing taken Paul?
- Short Tacks: What’s the longest voyage he’s been on?
Learn more about Paul @SchoonerFredaB on Instagram, Facebook, and https://schoonerfredab.com/.
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Great report on Paul Dines, one of the best captains on the Bay…and beyond …