Calendar Alert: Galilee Harbor Maritime Day and 5th Avenue Marina Neighborhood Sale
It’s great fun to be out on the water, sailing, but sometimes staying ashore can be just as much fun. We’re referring to events created by sailors that are fun for the whole community. There are two such fun, salty events coming up this month — Galilee Harbor’s Maritime Day, and 5th Avenue Marina’s Neighborhood Sale!
Galilee Harbor is holding its annual Maritime Day on Saturday, August 5. This is a free event for the entire family. Learn about wooden boat building from the Arques School of Traditional Boatbuilding, raise a cheer for the dinghy-dash race, tour open boats, and take a free boat ride aboard Galilee Harbor’s own SV Carodon. Shop the popular marine flea market and artist booths, and be sure to purchase a ticket for the Olde Tyme Jar Raffle to win prizes donated by local merchants. Or just relax by the Bay, listen to live music, and catch sight of the habor’s resident great blue heron and fellow egrets off the Mono Street marsh. Gates are open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and admission is free! Location: 300 Napa St, Sausalito.

Next up on the salty “land-based” events is the 5th Avenue Marina’s Neighborhood Sale on Saturday, August 12. This annual “Summer Cleaning Sale” is full of nautical-themed gear — treasure, oddities and curiosities, along with vintage clothing, costumes, jewels, and much more. They usually throw a good party along with it, so if you’re looking for a good day out, this is sure to please. Gates open at 10 a.m. and close “whenever.” Location: 499 Embarcadero and 1 Fifth Avenue, Oakland.