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Delta Doo Dah Doin’s

It’s that season — you know, the one between midsummer and fall, ‘backtoschool’ — and the Delta Doo Dah’s summer vacation of sailing and playing in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta is coasting toward the finish.

The Ranger 23 Evenstar was lookin’ good on Saturday afternoon, sailing downwind up the San Joaquin on a flood current.

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Latitude 38’s Delta Doo Dah is a free-form cruising rally: Sailors can travel anytime from late May to early September and explore anywhere their fancy takes them within the eponymous region. To facilitate bonhomie among rally members and offer some structure for those who enjoy that sort of thing, we peppered the season with official Delta Doo Dah events, including last weekend’s mini-cruise from Owl Harbor to Stockton Sailing Club.

Delta Doo Dah cruisers breakfasting at Owl Harbor on Saturday, left to right: Danny and Marilyn Webb of the home-built Roberts Offshore 44 cutter Gypsy Soul; Conrad and Majel Arnold, Flowers 33 lobster boat Bravo Zulu; and Jillian Cripps, Gregory Towers and David Russell, Ranger 23 Evenstar.

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Delta Doo Dah visitors were invited to stay overnight on Friday, August 12, at Owl Harbor for free, and the staff served up a fabulous complimentary breakfast buffet on Saturday morning featuring eggs fresh from the marina’s own hens.

One of two new chicken coops at Owl Harbor. Thanks girls!

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That evening, Stockton Sailing Club had invited the Delta Doo Dah fleet members to join them for their retro Burger Bash & Classic Car Show. A leisurely afternoon sail in mostly light air would get the cruisers there in plenty of time for the 5 p.m. start of the event. 

The Laser 28 Stink Eye had a pleasant sail up the river — that is, except for the speedboats thundering past. August 13 was also the date of the 56-boat Big Cat Poker Run, a Lions Club fundraiser.

© 2016 Marilyn Webb

Gregory Towers and Jillian Cripps had planned to base their Ranger 23 out of Owl Harbor for a month, but that’s turned into six weeks, so that they can experience more of what Greg calls "Delta delights." On the sail up to Stockton, they anchored at Walter’s Island to take a swim. "We were dying of heat." It was calm when they anchored, but then a cluster of powerboats came by and chopped up the water. Their plan for Sunday was to anchor in Mildred Island (which is permanently flooded) and return to Owl on Monday to complete a three-day weekend.

Seen here cooling off in the air conditioning at SSC, Jillian and Greg of Evenstar are on their fourth Doo Dah. This year they’re commuter-cruising on weekends, which allows friends such as David Russell (right) to join them. 

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Instead of taking their boat to Stockton, the crew of the Bethel Island-based O’Day 37 Namaste sailed over to Bradford Island, where skipper Larry White has an ‘in’ — he’s the vice commodore of Bay View Boat Club. BVBC has property on Bradford, which is located west of Fisherman’s Cut between the San Joaquin and False River. The two couples later drove over to SSC to catch the tail end of the event and socialize with fellow Doo Dah’ers.

Left to right, modeling the Doo Dah logowear they’d bought that morning: Pat and Steve Stanley and Larry White and his wife Kathy Kennedy sailed on Larry’s O’Day 37 Namaste — but not all the way to Stockton.

©Latitude 38 Media, LLC

Free registration for the Doo Dah will remain open until August 26. We’ll be collecting stories and photos from fleet members through September 1 for inclusion in a feature scheduled for publication in the October issue of Latitude 38.


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Ivanka Trump, cruising the waters of Croatia.  Daily Mail
©2016Latitude 38 Media, LLC ‘Yachting with the Enemy’ is the headline that the Daily Mail gave to their recent article about global movers and shakers enjoying some R&R on yachts in Croatia.