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Boat in to Outside Dining

Who managed to combine sailing with outside dining this weekend? Way back in 2011 Latitude writer LaDonna Bubak put together a list of ‘Boat-In Dining’ locations around the Bay Area. And recently we added a long list of Delta locations to the list. With COVID the ‘boat-in’ has become ‘boat-in, but dine outside.’ Finding a guest slip near a local restaurant remains one of the many great ways to use your boat and now, in pandemic times, it’s one of a few ways to use your boat and snatch some semblance of ‘normal life.’

In our July issue, writer Tom Burden put together some ideas and reader input to create an update of some of the Bay Area’s favorite destinations. We couldn’t and can’t include them all but we’re going to add more in Part II in August and wanted to give you another opportunity to share some of your favorite places. You can read the story in the current issue here.

Sam's in Tiburon, known for Boat-In dining.
These docks were busy on a recent spring weekend — Sam’s Anchor Café in Tiburon remains one of the best-known boat-in dining spots in the Bay Area. But there are many more.
© 2020 Latitude 38 Media LLC / John

The Bay is ringed with boat-in dining locations near marinas in Berkeley, Jack London Square, Pier 39, South Beach Marina and Pier 1 1/2 in the city, and others down on the Peninsula. Many have set up outside, waterfront tables and taken other precautions to help keep you both safe and well fed. But with the pandemic changing every day, we’d always advise calling any dining destination before assuming they’ll be open.

Surely you’ve been to some great ‘boat-in, but dine outside’ locations that we and others should know about.

Add your comments below or, especially if you have photos, email us at [email protected] with your photos and stories.


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