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Posts by Andy Turpin
Butt up in the bilge

The Upside of Bilge Diving

If you pride yourself on doing much of your own boat maintenance, you probably spend more hours than you’d like to with your head and shoulders squashed into narrow lockers and bilge compartments.
Kids running with bananas

Reveling at the Rendez-vous

"Doing the Rendez-vous has been the most fun we’ve had on our entire trip,” said Tara Travers-Stephens with an ear-to-ear grin. She and her husband John had vowed to take part in the annual Tahiti-Moorea Sailing Rendez-vous aboard their Redwood City-based Tatoosh 50. But in order to make good on that promise they had to battle abnormally unsettled wind and sea conditions on their 200-mile crossing from the Tuamotus to Tahiti.
Tattooed Marquesan

Rose Says Hello

Rose and Frank Corser were both in their mid-30s in 1972 when they set sail from Newport Beach for the Marquesas Islands aboard their 35-ft Seagoer.

Tahiti Transpac in 2020

With a rhumbline distance of 3,570 miles, the Tahiti Transpac’s Los Angeles-to-Papeete course is more than half again the distance from L.A. to Honolulu, sailed biennially in the better-known Hawaii Transpac (2,240 miles). But that’s far from being the only factor that sets these two classic ocean races apart.

Why Iguanas Have Thick Skin

When you live on a boat in the tropics year-round, you adjust to the challenges of wind, rain and extreme heat every day as needs arise — protecting expensive gear from sun damage, attending to leaks, and keeping mold and mildew at bay. More »