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The Round New Zealand is a coastal anticlockwise circumnavigation in four legs with multiple stopovers. And what a beautiful, challenging coast it is, with lee shores and a dip down to 46º south.
There have been too many people met, relationships forged and sailing bonds made at the Latitude 38 Crew List parties over the years to mention.
Shootin' the Breeze
“Changing Conditions” in Humboldt Bay If you’re planning on sailing into Humboldt Bay in the next few days or weeks, the Coast Guard is urging extreme caution.
Sailing Movies
One of the books that inspired us as kids was the story of Tinkerbelle, which chronicles the voyage of Robert Manry who sailed his 13.5-ft sloop from Falmouth, Massachusetts, to Falmouth, England, in 1965.
sailing open house
It was like going to your best friend’s house where they have every fun toy you can imagine in their toy box.
Here are a few quotes from the March issue of Latitude 38, which is hitting newsstands as we write: “In some terms, there’s never going to be a chance again to sail on multi-million dollar boats with some of your best friends in the world and no owner, no one paying the bills, and no one paying you.
On the last day of February, US Sailing returned to the St. Francis Yacht Club to present the awards for 2018 Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman (actually women) of the Year. Among sailing luminaries spotted in the crowd…
Adaptive Sailing
Most people don’t know how inaccessible our world is until they experience their own limitations with mobility or someone tells them about it. The RYC hoist project was inspired by a friend of many and force of nature. As an accomplished adaptive/para sailor…
Master and Commander
We hope that you join us this Friday, March 1, at Spaulding Marine Center at 6:30 p.m.
This isn’t a new story. It’s an old story that is evolving before our very eyes.
Many Midwinter Series will sail their final races in March. You can find a pretty darn comprehensive list in our Calendar. At least one Beer Can Series will begin in March. Wednesday night racing in Santa Cruz resumes as soon as Daylight Saving Time begins.
When the schooners expected for the America’s Schooner Cup cross the startline, they will represent centuries of sea time and a living snapshot of the West Coast’s sailing heritage.
Bay Area Waterfront
On Monday, February 25 at 7:00 p.m., the City of Alameda will continue to discuss the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a boatyard operator at the new Alameda Marina.
On Saturday, February 23, Richmond Yacht Club is inviting anyone interested in trying out sailing on small boats to their well-rehearsed Sail a Small Boat Day. This successful format has introduced thousands of non-sailors to sailing the Bay. We should mention — it's free.
Is your fondest dream to sail the seven seas in a life of adventure and exploration? To demolish the competition on the race course, freeing the fierce warrior within?
It was the Multi70 Maserati in a duel against the MOD70 Argo. The two combatants ripped up the islands tour, hitting speeds of 30 knots. Maserati led at Guadeloupe by 12 miles.
Sailing San Francisco Bay
This winter has been pretty wet and wild. The forecast for the Corinthian Midwinters on February 16-17 was a little shaky. Right during the 13-division starting sequence on Saturday, a squall burst through the starting area.
Started by the California Division of Boating and Waterways in 1999, the Dockwalker Program encourages people to get trained as certified partners who “inspire and educate boaters to be safe and environmentally sound. 
As we puttered along, the call suddenly went out to "Pull the sheet." In fact, along with the many large logs and other debris being washed into the Bay, was a large sheet of plastic that needed rescuing.
For more than a decade, a small group of lawmakers in Washington have tried and failed to privatize weather forecasting and effectively sell weather data — which has already been publicly funded — back to taxpayers.
Rolex Big Boat Series
This Wednesday evening, the St. Francis Yacht Club will offer a free seminar, Understanding ORR & ORR-EZ Rating Rules.
Race to Hawaii
The 50th Transpac Race to Honolulu will start from Los Angeles this July, but the 100th entry came from the San Francisco Bay Area. Chris Welsh's classic Spencer 65 Ragtime…
Cruiser's Rally
If you are one of the many sailors making plans to participate in this fall’s Baja Ha-Ha XXVI — more than 10,000 sailors on over 3,000 boats have preceded you in the last 25 years — please note that the event will start a week later than in recent years.
SailGP racing on six foiling F50 catamarans is off and running. The event ran three races yesterday afternoon (February 15 in Australia). Three more races are on the schedule for today.
On Friday, Keefe Kaplan Maritime, Inc., or KKMI, will face off against the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) in federal court at a settlement hearing to resolve allegations made by CSPA that KKMI is violating the federal Clean Water Act and its discharge permit with the San Francisco Regional Water Control Board.
My wife recently said, “You’ve cheated on me!" Knowing that wasn’t the case, I asked if possibly she could run down some of the highlights to jog my memory.
With a rhumbline distance of 3,570 miles, the Tahiti Transpac’s Los Angeles-to-Papeete course is more than half again the distance from L.A. to Honolulu, sailed biennially in the better-known Hawaii Transpac (2,240 miles). But that’s far from being the only factor that sets these two classic ocean races apart.
Cold, rainy and even snowy. That pretty much sums up the West Coast weekend (including Hawaii!),
What’s on your sailing bucket list? If Gallup took those sorts of polls, we’d expect to see high numbers for America’s Cup skipper, round the world racer, Olympic sailing and world championships in various classes.
Here’s your February Caption Contest(!) We know that this photo was taken by a reader at last year’s Jazz Cup, but we have, unfortunately, lost the reader’s name.
Treasure Island Sailing Center
We've always been tremendous fans of Carisa Harris-Adamson. She's worked tirelessly to expand sailing opportunities for Bay Area youth through the creation and development of the Treasure Island Sailing Center.