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San Francisco Bay Racing
We were browsing sailing photos from photographer and tireless race committee volunteer Roxanne Fairbairn when we noticed that something must be wrong with Folkboat skippers.
Hugo Boss Runs Aground The 11th edition of the Route du Rhum solo transatlantic race has continued to deliver thrilling surprises and heartbreaking blown leads, this time in the premier IMOCA 60 monohull fleet.
The US Coast Guard motto is Semper Paratus — Always Ready. Time and again, we’ve seen that that’s true when it comes to rescuing mariners in distress at sea.
Readers, we just received this email from Joanna Bloor, Randall Reeves’ wife. Hello, and greetings to all at latitude 38 north from Randall, Mo and Monte of the Figure 8 Voyage 2.0 at latitude 38 south. 
Solo Transatlantic Race
The 11th edition of the Route du Rhum solo transatlantic race has been a barn-burner since the get-go, with just two boats in contention to finish first since the early stages.
The World Famous L 38
Latitude Nation, here’s your November Caption Contest(!). This is our first-ever photo from the Facebook Yacht Club, so we cannot attribute this shot to any one person — but thanks to reader Jere Visalli for sending it in.
Readers — after having light wind and an even lighter Internet connection, the Grand Poobah has sent this 25th Anniversary Baja Ha-Ha postgame analysis: A quarter century of Baja Ha-Ha’s — the 750-mile cruisers’ rally between San Diego and Cabo San Lucas with R&R stops at Turtle Bay and Bahia Santa Maria — is now part of sailing history.
Recently spotted off the coast of Baja California, Mexico: a flock of boats heading south, stopping on occasion to drink, be merry and maybe play a game of softball, then taking to the high seas again.
Westpoint and BCDC Closer to Settlement Westpoint Harbor and the Bay Conservation and Development Commission are one step closer to reaching a settlement.
Women's Regattas
The past few weeks have seen a flurry of women’s regattas in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Southland.
Back in September, we noted the strange case of Lewis Bennett, his wife of just three months, Isabella Hellman, and their honeymoon-gone-wrong aboard their 37-ft catamaran.
Solo Transatlantic Race
This 11th edition of the Route du Rhum solo transatlantic race has been a challenging one for the competitors and their boats.
Business News
West Marine issued a brief statement on Tuesday saying CEO Doug Robinson has left the company after less than a year in the post.
San Francisco Bay sailing
Although there were 16 separate racing events in our 2018 calendar for this past weekend, we decided to go ‘cruising’ instead.
golden globe race
  Just as we were finishing up this morning’s ‘Lectronic Latitude, we received a “Stop Presses” email from the Golden Globe solo around-the-world race.
Latitude 38
Mark from Rubicon Yachts said a customer came in and told him that the October issue was the last month for the printed edition of Latitude 38, and that Latitude was going entirely online.
Singlehanded Transatlantic race
Perhaps the biggest race most Americans have never heard of is about to get underway in France.
Here are some news nuggets for your Friday: Coast Guard Comes to Aid of Diabetic Sailor off Eureka On Wednesday, the Coast Guard came to the assistance of a sailor onboard a 29-ft sailboat off Patrick’s Point, near Trinidad, California, just north of Eureka.
Nautical Trivia
On Monday we challenged you to test your nautical knowledge by playing along with Richmond Yacht Club’s Great Pumpkin Regatta trivia quiz.
California Delta
Max Perez of the Pearson 303 Olive filed this report on his solo Delta Doo Dah cruise this summer: I had far too brief a trip to the western part of the Delta this year in late June.
Baja Ha-Ha
  Cruising sailors know that if you stay close to the water, you’ll regularly cross tacks in harbors anywhere in the world.
Sailing News
Halloween Mist on San Francisco Bay “No fog machine needed for this event!”
sailing history
There’s a whole lot of racing going on at Richmond Yacht Club’s Great Pumpkin on the last weekend in October, but it’s also one of the busiest regattas we can think of in terms of extracurricular fun.
Midwinters Don’t be afraid, but here comes ‘winter. Not the actual calendar season — the winter solstice is still 53 days away — but the midwinter racing season.
Here are a few news nuggets for your Friday: Coastal Mexico Escapes the Worst from Hurricane Willa Despite its strength and ominous portents, Hurricane Willa seems to have spared Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta.
Yacht racing
Frances Larose reports: On Saturday, October 20, the seventh annual Red Bra Regatta — sponsored for the first time by the Taiwan Tourism Bureau — was a celebration of women’s sailing on San Francisco Bay.
The City of Oakland is soliciting public comment for their plans to expand and renovate Estuary Park, a lobe of landfill that juts out into the Oakland-Alameda Estuary east of Jack London Square.
On Monday, the almost 170 boats signed up for the 2018 Baja Ha-Ha fleet will officially kick off the Mexico cruising season as they gather off Shelter Island for start of the 25th annual Baja Ha-Ha.