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After 13 years of cruising their 50-ft Flying Dutchman Reality eastward — all the way to the Red Sea — Vaughn and Sharon Hampton of San Francisco are ready to cruise the “correct way”: downwind across the Pacific.latitude/Andy
Javier Martin is being held on suspicion of murdering American cruiser Don North and French sailor Jean-Pierre Bouahard in Panamanian waters.
Even a Kangaroo X-ing sign has more detail than the announcement of an Australian entry for AC34.
Latitude 38 is seeking an ambitious advertising sales rep to join our sales team immediately.
Memories of beautiful weather — even with the light winds and heavy ebb pushing us back toward Vallejo — will help this weekend’s cruise-out participants, including Buffalo Spirit’s Ruben and Robbie Gabriel, tough out today’s dismal conditions.
"My boat partner snapped this shot while crossing the slot on our Islander 36 Shooter on the way to Sam’s for lunch," writes Norman Pearce.
The family that soars together, smiles together. Life aboard La Loupiote is never dull.
The America’s Cup Racing area on your San Francisco Bay.
The America’s Cup Event Authority has released a map of the racing area for America’s Cup 34, and lo and behold, it looks a lot like what AC Race Management Director Iain Murray said it would back in early January.
"I’ve loved all the warm weather we’ve had after an awful start to winter," writes Jim Knowles of the South Bay-based Catalina 30 Reggae Morning, "and have done a lot more January and February sailing than I have in my entire life.
It looks like America’s Cup fever has taken hold all over the Bay Area, even at the telephone utilities.
What could be better after a day of great sailing on the Bay than to sail up to the dock of your favorite restaurant for a bite to eat?
Alas, some boat dreams end up on the bottom.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC As it stands right now, the great Esprit de La Gamelle project is as sunk as this sloop anchored not far from the Club Nautico in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC As it stands right now, the great Esprit de La Gamelle project is as sunk as this sloop anchored not far from the Club Nautico in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Bay sailors who are also football fans were faced with a tough choice yesterday: Enjoy a rare warm breeze aboard your boat or sit in front of the boob tube for the better part of a gorgeous afternoon.
We’ve received several reports of theft and ransacking of cruising boats in the Marshall Islands over the last few days.
Of course they’re all smiling and excited; they’ll soon be setting sail for Tahiti!
The yachting community along the northeast coast of Australia took the brunt of Yasi’s wrath.
The Mather Family — Jim, Emma, and children Phoebe,12, and Drake, 11 — report they’ve been around .
In late January, three of the major cruise ship lines — Disney, Norwegian Star, and Carnival Spirit — announced they were pulling out of Mazatlan because there had been three incidents involving cruise ship passengers.
As she neared land, Cyclone Yasi was a Cat 5. She lost a little power when she hit land, but she’ll still wreak havoc across Queensland.
"A wonderful fleet of boats and enthusiastic participants have congregated for the Zihua SailFest, which started yesterday and runs through Sunday," writes SailFest organizer Pamela Bendall of the Port Hardy, B.C.-based
The parking lot off Aquatic Park claimed more than a few hopes and dreams, but no one stayed there long .
Lady’s choice — Cita makes no apologies for going wherever the heck she wants to go.
As we write this, trucks are driving all over the Bay Area delivering the February issue of Latitude 38 into the hot little hands of our distributors.
You’ll know you’ve arrived in French Polynesia when locals wearing flower garlands paddle out to welcome you.
Banque Populaire V in pink, has a slim lead over Groupama 3’s record pace.
If commercial shipping seems to be moving slower than last year, that’s because it is — and it’s due to the increasing cost of fuel.
In Wednesday’s ‘Lectronic, we invited fellow surfer-sailors to share some of their favorite breaks (without giving away the location, of course).
Shana Bagley made friends with a real dummy during MOB training on Pegasus.
After singing the lines, "It’s been a lovely cruise, I’m sorry it’s ended," at a concert at the Hordern Pavilion in Sydney, Australia, last night, Jimmy Buffett, the muse to many a sailor, made an unintentional face plant off the stage.
USA, winner of the 33rd America’s Cup, is on her way to the Bay.
What could be nicer than paddling in from your boat and into a nice Mexican wall such as this?
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