By John Arndt | December 27, 2017 | Planet Earth | 0
On Friday we’ll close out 2017 with the delivery of the January issue of Latitude 38. We thought we’d take a moment to remember all the good times from the past year. If you want to travel back in time or catch up on what you missed click on any of the covers below. You can pick up the January edition at your favorite waterfront location on Friday.
We started the year relaxing in southern latitudes under a big, green chute on a warm day with gentle breezes.
Some of the 300+ Three Bridge Fiasco participants searching for breeze on a Bay famous for its wind, strong currents and harsh conditions. You wouldn’t have known it last January 28th.
Think small. The annual Bullship race taking El Toros across the Bay from Sausalito to San Francisco started in calm conditions, then ghosted along the Sausalito waterfront.
As fast as a Maserati — almost. The foiling trimaran Maserati spent time on the Bay treating us and prospective clients to a ride before heading south to compete in the Transpac in a tight race with Phaedo3 and Mighty Merloe. One rudder was smashed underway, and Mighty Merloe, sailed spectacularly by Loïck Peyron, went on to win.
There’s nothing like sailing the Bay. Iolani went on a two-year Pacific circuit, Baja Ha-Ha, Pacific Puddle Jump, island hopping and more before returning to sail San Francisco Bay.
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