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What’s on Your Bottom?

"I’ve loved all the warm weather we’ve had after an awful start to winter," writes Jim Knowles of the South Bay-based Catalina 30 Reggae Morning, "and have done a lot more January and February sailing than I have in my entire life. But I notice that with just a few months to go before my annual haulout, my bottom gets dirtier and stays dirtier than it does right after the haulout.

"I’d like to ask Latitude readers what kind of bottom paint they use and how happy they are with it. I’d also like to know how often they have their bottom cleaned. While I’m just a happy day and weekend sailor, it would be nice if the responses could include whether the owners have racing or cruising boats, as I imagine it could make a big difference. I also understand that it could make a difference where a boat is located, as I’m told boats in the Pacific Northwest, for whatever reason, don’t have to have their bottoms cleaned anywhere near as often as boats in California."

Great questions. Anybody care to contribute? Email your responses to Richard.



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