Vallejo Yacht Club Flies Its Colors
Yacht clubs and sailing organizations around the Bay are beginning to open their doors and invite members to untie their dock lines for some on-the-water fun. Weeknight beer can races are once again a source of enjoyment for sailors who want to take advantage of Northern California’s long summer evenings. David Smith was sailing aboard S/V Aerie, when he captured these great photos of boats and their crews enjoying Vallejo Yacht Club’s Wednesday night beer can races.

Each year Vallejo Yacht Club hosts the Great Vallejo Race, which can see as many as 400 boats sailing to Vallejo from Berkeley on the last Saturday of April or first Saturday in May. This year the race has been rescheduled to run on the first weekend in August. We all have our fingers crossed that restrictions are sufficiently lifted by then so that we can once again enjoy the spinnaker-spectacle of the Great Vallejo Race.