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Sunrise Off Richardson Bay

Latitude reader and cruiser Lee Panza reminded us that Richardson Bay is one of the hidden gems of the Bay Area. This time of year, outbound cruisers drop their hook in the waters off Sausalito in preparation for making a run for the lower latitudes — especially Mexico. 

If it weren’t for those two towers poking over the hills (or that massive antenna in the distance), we might have mistaken this for tropical climes. 

© 2017 Lee Panza

Every fall, Richardson Bay starts to see Canadian flags, as well as transoms adorned with AK, BC, WA and OR. So when you spot these out-of-towners, give them a warm Bay Area welcome. Some of these boats may even be looking for crew, and one of our favorite things to do here at Latitude is play matchmaker.

We hope to see many of those visiting cruisers — and you — at the Fall Crew List Party on September 6 at Spaulding Marine Center. 

"The limp lines from the vang, the boom downhaul and the reefing system pretty much express how I felt," wrote Lee Panza about waking up on his boat in Richardson Bay on Thanksgiving weekend 2016. "But the glorious sunrise was worth getting up for."

© 2017 Lee Panza

From Lee Panza: "From time to time I stay overnight in Richardson Bay, a world-renowned destination. While it can be difficult to find a safe opening among the massive semi-permanent flotilla of anchor-outs I can usually find enough depth and swing room somewhere between channel marker 4 and Cone Rock. On warm, calm Saturday nights, the sounds of the late-night carousing can be a little bothersome, but waking up to a sunrise like this (Thanksgiving weekend 2016) compensates for the sleep deprivation."


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