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Whether to Weather the Summer in the Delta

If you’ve been asking yourself if you should take advantage of the weather and sail into the Delta this summer, the answer is Yes! Why not? The Delta offers a plethora of natural waterways, many of which provide a perfect cruising ground. And you’re quite likely to bump into other sailors who are out there looking to just relax, and enjoy the warmth and the swimmable waters.

raftup with water toys
There’s plenty of fun and friends in our local Delta summer cruising grounds.
© 2024 Jim Adams / Flibbertigibbet

In 2009, Latitude 38 initiated the Delta Doo Dah (DDD) — a do-It-yourself summertime cruising rally to the California Delta. And when we say do-It-yourself, it’s exactly as it sounds, DIY cruising. (Which, when you think about it, is what cruising is.) You pick a day, provision the boat, and off you go. To help sailors get the most out of the Delta, we coordinate a little package with a calendar of events, information about the waterways and the facilities to be found, and, of course, swag. Delta Doo Dah veterans are likely to have a collection of unique DDD burgees for their boat, and they’ll be proud of it!

Delta Doo Day 15 banner
The 15th Delta Doo Dah’s burgee was pretty cute.
© 2024 Latitude 38 Media LLC /

This year, we’re taking a step back. Don’t worry, we’re not walking off the dock completely, we’re just giving you the helm and encouraging you to be even more intentionally DIY in your planning. You may have noticed that we didn’t make an official announcement about this year’s Delta sailing rally. Maybe you visited the Delta Doo Dah page on our website anyway and looked at what’s on the agenda for this year. Honestly, we’re pretty stretched for time and haven’t created a calendar of events. But we can tell you that Owl Harbor Marina in Isleton is ready to welcome you all again. Owl Harbor is hosting a BBQ for cruisers on July 27. By the way, did you know Owl Harbor has been voted “Best Marina in the Delta” two years running?

Despite not being as official as it has been in the past, the Delta Doo Dah is still the Bay Area’s favorite summertime sailing opportunity. The Delta is a fantastic place to spend your summer sailing hours, whether all at once or over multiple visits. We strongly encourage you to go. Even it you’re new to cruising; especially if you’re new to cruising. You can sail all day, drop the hook whenever you want, and find a nice, quiet corner to settle in for the evening and watch the sunset from your deck. And in the morning you get to do it all again!

Tranquility awaits.
© 2024 Sylvia Stompe

Head over to the Delta Doo Dah page and add your name to the list of sailors already decided on where to spend their summer. Once you’re on the list, take a look at this Delta cruising story from 2006. It’s a classic! The Cruise of the Laundry Basket


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