Slowest, Nonstop Circumnavigation
The burning desire to become famous by setting sailing records isn’t limited to the young. Artist/sailor Reid Stowe, 58, now holds the record for the longest nonstop voyage at sea (among other self-proclaimed records, such as "longest space analogous experiment on the ocean"). Stowe set sail from New York City on April 21, 2007 aboard his 70-ft gaff-rigged schooner Anne — accompanied by his companion Soanya Ahmad — with the intent to remain at sea for 1,000 days. On Day 306, Ahmad ‘abandoned ship’ due to extreme nausea — which turned out to be morning sickness. Stowe chose to continue with the voyage, missing his son’s birth and first two years of life.
Yesterday, Stowe sailed Anne into Manhattan after 1,152 days — 846 of them completely alone — and was greeted by crowds of supporters, including Ahmad and the son he’d never met. The trio will reportedly now live aboard Anne. To read more about Stowe’s voyage, visit www.1000days.net.