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Rick Marvin Welcomed David Crosby and WTR Racers to Hanalei Bay

In the current issue of Latitude 38, Hawaiian sailor Rick Marvin recounts a story of sailing and diving with David Crosby aboard the schooner Mayan off Catalina Island, and also picking up Spike Africa’s daughter, Dana, off the ferry dock. It was right after David had had a liver transplant, and then dove out of sight.

They lived to tell the tale.

Rick and his wife used to charter a Pearson 424 out of Hanalei Bay, with David Crosby being one of his charter guests. It turns out Rick is still busy with boats, and Latitude’s Chris Weaver caught up with him on his landing craft, where he connected with Jackie Philpott and the crew from the Singlehanded Sailing Society at the finish of the Singlehanded Transpacific Race.

Rick Marvin and Jackie Philpott
Rick, left, was at the finish line with Jackie Philpott of the SSS at the end of the Singlehanded Transpacific Race.
© 2023 Latitude 38 Media LLC / Chris

It wasn’t long after that participants in The World’s Toughest Row started to finish, and Rick was on hand to help rowing teams finish a human-powered race 2,800 miles from Monterey to Hanalei Bay.

Rich Marvin World's Toughest Row
Rick Marvin and his landing craft greeted participants in The World’s Toughest Row.
© 2023 The World's Toughest Row

It was back in 1994 that Rick found himself and his wife aboard Mayan with David Crosby and his diving buddy Bev Morgan, anchored among the unexploded ordnance off Pyramid Rock on San Clemente Island.

In the end, all turned out well.

David Crosby diving
Beyond musician and sailor, David Crosby was an avid diver.
© 2023 Rick Marvin

Rick Martin has welcomed a lot of sailors to Hanalei Bay, Kauai, and he’s still helping those who show up from over the horizon.

[Correction: story was modified to correct Rick was on hand helping finish the rowing race though not part of the SHTP finish.]


1 Comment

  1. Christine Weaver 1 year ago

    A correction: Rick Marvin was receiving the solo rowers from Monterey, but not the SSS sailors. He did not assist with the SSS race committee. Jackie, an SSS race committee volunteer, chatted with him because his boat caught her eye. He came into the same spot on the Hanalei River where the SSS was launching their rented RIB.

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