Ready? It’s Time to Start Cruising in Mexico
In April 2021 we ran a story by Sydney Paulsen about her and her husband, Dalton Urrutia. Both of them had recently started sailing and bought a Morgan Out Island 33, Mihaly, with the intention of living aboard and doing some cruising. Now, not quite a year later, they’ve managed to get enough of the boat tasks crossed off their list to have actually pushed off and started their voyage south, to Mexico.
Last spring they were up to their elbows in projects to update the boat — making it more comfortable and getting it ready for full-time living aboard and cruising. It was a messy, time-consuming, but ultimately rewarding job.
Sydney wrote us to say, “We’ve officially made it to Ensenada as of this morning, which feels fantastic. Would love for you guys to share our departure photo — I’ve attached it! We’re so excited to begin and share this adventure; thank you for the support.”
Not everyone who puts these plans into motion makes it out there, but we love to see old boats given a second life and new sailors taking off on new adventures. We wish bon voyage to Sydney and Dalton, and will look forward to hearing more from them in the future.
Turn back! Turn back now! If you don’t, you will never be the same. Once you reach the Sea of Cortez, your views on life and what’s important will forever be changed. 😉 Bon voyage!!!
Still in Ensenada? I would like to treat you both to the world’s best frozen yogurt if you are?