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The Good Ol' Days
"If only the 'Chronicle' was as interested in sailing now!"
It would be hard to find a sailor who doesn't think sailing provides some form of therapy. Most sailors find that heeling supports healing.
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
From the Magazine
In February's 'Latitude 38,' Bay Area sailor Dave Russell shares the story of how the 'Wanderer' crew helped rescue eight souls who had escaped a burning boat.
From Beginner to Professional
Our Golden Ticket winners have interesting sailing stories: Larry started out on OPBs, and four years later attained his OUPV/Six-pack Captain's License.
Photos of the Day
The Three Bridge Fiasco, with 303 boats entered, started and finished off Golden Gate Yacht Club…
Sharing Sailors' Stories
In this week's episode, host Ryan Foland chats with 'Latitude 38's Nicki Bennett about how to find the right boat for you, captain your own boat, and get comfortable with change.
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Setting it right with EWOL Propellors.
The Wulzen family discovered some classic San Francisco Bay sailing photos from their father's archives.
Get Your Hands on a Copy
'Latitude 38's February issue has stacks of great stories, photos and commentary to give you several fun, interesting and inspiring hours' worth of reading.
Driver Wanted
Be the person that everyone loves to see each month! Deliver 'Latitude 38' magazines to our Bay Area distributors on the first of the month, then, go sailing for the next 29-30 days!
Drifting Dinghies Mystery
In separate incidents, the USCG has picked up two dinghies that were adrift off Hawaii on Sunday. They're seeking the public's help in locating the owners.
Eye Candy for Sailors
See the beauty of sailing from the behind the lens of the West Coast sailors — a month's worth of photos taken by our readers.
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Find your nearest pumpout and floating restrooms with DBW's 'Pumpout Nav' app.
Springing Into the New Issue
The first of the spring issues is out tomorrow. When you pick up your copy, stop and take a selfie and then send it to us. The first reader to do so will win a new 'Latitude 38' hat!
Midwinters and More
Some midwinter series will wrap up in February. They include …
A Worthy Recipient
Double-amputee sailor Dustin Reynolds has received the Ocean Cruising Club's premier award, the OCC Barton Cup — an award that salutes an exceptional or challenging voyage or series of voyages.
A New York 'Times' report on the challenging question of who's responsible for paying for emergency services in wilderness rescues.
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For power and sail. Hourly rate from $50 up. Weekend and weekday work available.
The Corinthian Speaker Series Returns
After a long pandemic pause, the Corinthian Speaker Series will return in 2022.
A Sail Through the Ages and the Pages
Longtime 'Latitude 38' readers might remember reading stories about 'Eros,' a 115-ft schooner that spent a couple of decades in the Bay Area. Have you ever wondered where 'Eros' is now?
New York to San Francisco via Cape Horn
Ryan Finn and 'Jzerro,' his 36-ft proa, left New York on January 12 bound for San Francisco on the Gold Route.
Sharing Sailors' Stories
In this week's episode, hear how to teach other women how to sail and be a calming presence on the water, what it’s like to compete for your country in the Olympics, and much more …
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
Sourcing the Collective Mind
Our sailing-magazine friends at 'Good Old Boat' asked for information about a sailboat. We decided to get on board and share the photo.
Three Bridge Fiasco Is This Saturday
The skippers' meeting for the Three Bridge Fiasco will be held via Zoom tonight at 7:30 p.m.
The lack of wind does hamper the ability to sail but it doesn't reduce the allure of an escape to the Bay.
Crossing Oceans for Adventure
The initial plan was to ship 'Andiamo' back to the Bay on a freighter, but when a longtime friend convinced Paul to sail back, the adventures began.
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Westwind Yacht Management: Professional yacht care, with personal service.
Join the Party in SoCal
According to the 'Lloyd's Register of American Yachts,' the Santa Barbara Yacht Club was formed in 1872, and is the second-oldest yacht club on the Pacific Coast.
DIY Boat Repairs
What do you do when your aging sailboat hardware needs rebuilding or replacing? What if the manufacturers no longer make it or its components, or they no longer exist themselves?
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The perfect sailor's job: 29 days off every month! This is a one-day-per-month position to deliver 'Latitude 38' magazines to our Bay Area distributors.
The wave from the Tonga volcano showed up in California, causing turmoil in Santa Cruz Harbor.
A Land-Sailing Adventure, or Three
Two trucks and a special permit were needed to transport 'Island Serenade' over the Sierra Nevada.
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For power and sail. Hourly rate from $50 up. Weekend and weekday work available.
Navigating Oceans
The Chart Locker covers the entire Pacific Coast of Mexico and Central America, French Polynesia, the Cook Islands, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu and many other Pacific islands.
The Ancient Science of Wayfinding
The Polynesian Voyaging Society will engage student navigators in storm training and the ancient science of non-instrument, wayfinding navigation.
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The perfect sailor's job: 29 days off every month! This is a one-day-per-month position to deliver 'Latitude 38' magazines to our Bay Area distributors.
Funding for Young Women Sailors
The applicants identify the opportunity of their choosing. Programs may include, but are not limited to, an advanced sailing program, a racing program, a tall ship or liveaboard experience, and a marine or maritime-related program.
Sharing Sailors' Stories
After Dustin almost lost his life in 2008 when he was hit on his motorcycle by a drunk driver, sailing became a huge part of his recovery.
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Find your nearest pumpout and floating restrooms with DBW's 'Pumpout Nav' app.
Battling Boats and Blue Blobs
Giovanni Soldini's Multi70 'Maserati' crossed the finish line first in the eighth edition of the RORC Transatlantic Race.
Aiming for Passenger and Crew Safety
The US Coast Guard has implemented new procedures in the wake of the September 2019 fire that killed 34 people aboard the dive vessel 'Conception.'
The Tongan tsunami swept the West Coast, leaving significant damage to a few and barely a ripple for most.
Showing the Boys How It's Done
January's #wcw celebrity is Laura Brazil from Petaluma. Laura and her husband Rich are passionate sailors who enjoy sailing in Mexico.
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Swiftsure serves the West Coast from Seattle and four other waterfronts.
A Bay Area Legend
The Millimeter is a one-design, one-person, single-hull racing yacht, related to the Mini-12 and the slightly longer International 2.4mR.
Step Up the Racing Leadership Ladder
"Area G leaders, interested in learning more about race management? Renewing your race officer certification?"
Where Did All the Big Ships Go?
A new offshore queuing process implemented for the Port of Oakland will reduce cargo ship emissions and improve safety in the Bay Area.
Family Sails South
Jessie Zevalkink and her husband Luke were searching for a vessel that would be suited to sailing the higher latitudes (think ice and snow).
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Find your nearest pumpout and floating restrooms with DBW's 'Pumpout Nav' app.
So Many Boats to Choose From
We love looking at the various sailboats that turn up in Classy Classifieds. Sometimes we reminisce on our own experiences, other times we remember stories we've read.
Is there truth to the proverb?
"Does the weather proverb 'Red sky at morning, sailor take warning / Red sky at night, sailor's delight' have any basis in weather fact?"
Buy a Boat
Place your classified ad by 5 p.m. tomorrow to be included in the February issue of 'Latitude 38!'
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