Rainmaker Not Down for the Count Yet

©2016Latitude 38 Media, LLC
Rainmaker, the first of the Gunboat 55 catamarans, is a little wet but still floating — more or less — after two unaided winters in the North Atlantic. It will be remembered that the catamaran was abandoned during rough weather on a trip from the Northeast to the Caribbean. The cat has been spotted several times since, and each time seems to be just a little bit lower in the water. She is reportedly being towed to shore, but it’s unclear where she was found, and that’s got to be a tough tow.
The abandonment of hull #1 of the Gunboat 55s was one of the factors in Gunboat’s visionary/owner Peter Johnstone’s leaving the company in November and the company’s going into Chapter 11 restructuring.
Interestingly enough, in recent times there seems to have been considerable interest in total refits of the of the earliest Gunboat cats.