By Christine Weaver | January 23, 2019 | Tiburon, CA | 0
Any workable breeze failed to show up for the Corinthian Midwinters on pleasant Saturday, January 19, and the race committee was never able to come out of postponement. But Sunday the 20th was just the opposite. A low-pressure system blowing through the San Francisco Bay Area carried with it gusts up to 30+ knots from the northwest.
Photographer and race committee volunteer Roxanne Fairbairn was well situated on the signal boat to capture the excitement on the start-finish line. You can see more of Roxanne’s excellent photos on her SmugMug site.
Look for our race report and a few more photos in Racing Sheet in the February issue of Latitude 38, coming out on Friday, February 1.
Since Monday, entries have gone from 230 to 296 and counting. Today's the deadline (11:59 PST tonight). If you're sitting on the tideline wondering which way to go, now's the time to decide.
Tomorrow (Thursday, January 24) in Mill Valley between 3 and 6 p.m., there will be a collection for Coast Guard families at the Southern Marin Fire Protection District.
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