The Main Course of Oakland Yacht Club’s Sunday Brunch Series
Sunday couldn’t have been better for sailing the Bay. Or the Estuary. Joerg Bashir treated us to some better-ways-to-spend-Sunday shots of Oakland Yacht Club’s Sunday Brunch Series. He shot some great telephoto images from the docks using his Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX10 IV digital camera. We’re always impressed with so many of the phone images we receive for our Sailagram (like this month’s cover image!) but a good lens on a digital camera still does an amazing job.

Joerg also took some terrific drone footage.* It’s pretty long, but in the first minute you see an excellent example by the Santana 525 Ursa Minor of why it’s good to douse early and be ready to head upwind in good trim while Loki is putting away the spinnaker and not getting into trim. It’s the kind of moment when you learn to love or hate drones. We’ve all been there, but not always with a drone overhead.
Sometimes we get so caught up in the beauty of the sailing we forget how hard people are working onboard to win! Results matter, though coming in last on a day like yesterday would be much better than not being out there at all. Everybody looks good, but the moment of truth: results here.
*”Footage” is a term left over from the days when reels of film recorded these shots. What’s the proper term today?