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Latitude 38 Classic Cover T-Shirt Finds Its Way to Berkeley

In keeping with our streak of Golden Ticket winners, we recently heard from Keith Kreycik of Berkeley, who found a ticket in the October issue of Latitude 38. Keith and his wife Marcia have a 1988 Catalina 36, Luna, which they’ve docked at Emery Cove Yacht Harbor since January 2018. Kieth and Marcia are liveaboards in between repairing their daughter-in-law’s home in Berkeley and caring for their two grandkids.

Luna came to us in need of a bit of love,” Keith wrote. “We have replaced the sails, rigging, lifelines, stove, interior cushions. We had bottom and topside painting done by Reuben Gabriel and crew at BMC. We converted from diesel to an Electric Yacht propulsion system with the help of Mike Gunning and Sean Shigley.

“Due to land-based commitments, we are primarily day-sailors on Luna, with over two hundred sails and (if Navionics is to be believed) over 2600 miles, since January 2018.”

Being day-sailors doesn’t hamper the pair’s enjoyment of the sport at all.

“I love the feeling of peace and calm that comes with feeling a boat moving smoothly through the Bay,” Keith shares. “I love the sense of being close to nature, in the middle of an urban area. I love seeing the birds, whales, dolphins, and harbor seals (we have one that lives near our ECYH slip, named Oscar, who is a better fisher than I could ever hope to be).”

Keith learned to sail when he was 12, aboard a neighbor’s Sunfish on a bass lake in central Georgia. “I learned what a jibe was and how to right the boat and bail quickly. Ever since, I have been trying to learn how to sail. I take every opportunity to learn from other sailors, every chance I get. Every once in a while, I think I’m on the verge of getting it right, when things are dialed in and the boat is happy. One of these days, I hope to figure it out …”

Despite considering S.F. Bay to be one of the best sailing locations they’ve ever sailed, the couple are not currently members of a yacht club. “We only wish more people in the area could experience the beauty and peace that we have found sailing in the Bay,” Keith adds.

We’re sending Keith the Latitude 38 Classic Covers T-shirt — December 1977 — from our online store. He tells us it reminded him of an incident that occurred in that month, of that year.

“I was living in Blacksburg, VA, and made an attempt to achieve a Soaring Society of America pin for Gold Distance, Diamond Goal flight in my 17-meter Kestrel sailplane. When the ridge lift died out, I landed in a field in Ceres, VA, in 10 inches of snow, about five miles from the nearest paved road. A kind couple who lived in the backwoods there gave me shelter, a dinner of fatback and greens, and allowed me to call (no cell phones then) my brother, who was able to pick me up and help me get the plane back into its trailer and return to Blacksburg. It was his birthday, and he has never let me forget it!”

But back to sailing … Keith says one of his most memorable sailing moments occurred on the East Coast. “We were running toward the Dry Tortugas, south of Sanibel Island, overnight, when the sea came alive with dolphins splashing the phosphorescence all around our boat.”

Keith from Berkeley
Keith settles in for a good read aboard his Catalina 36 Luna.
© 2023 Keith Kreycik

“We love having access to Latitude 38. Keep up the great work!”

Will do! Thanks, Keith.

If you still don’t have your November issue, you can pick one up at any of these locations. You could also save yourself the worry of missing out in the future and subscribe to have the magazine delivered to your mailbox each month.


  1. Barry Spanier 1 year ago

    We met Keith early in the building of ROSIE G at BMC because he had the same motor we were interested in and it was installed and running close by. He was happy to show us aboard and demo run the motor. Now we run the same motor, much thanks to his offering of the experience. And he had positive tales of sailing and re-gen.
    Thanks always for those with love of sail.

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