Kattywampus Lost on South Pacific Reef
We’re sorry to report that the Port Townsend, WA-based Golden Wave 42 Kattywompus was lost earlier this week when she struck a reef on the North Island of New Zealand.
According to an emailed alert from South Pacific cruiser Bob Bechler of the Seattle-based Gulfstar 44 Sisiutl, "Brad Nelson and Linda Attaway were coming into Doubtless Bay across from the town of Mangonui when they hit a reef and lost Kattywompus. They were able to deploy the liferaft and both are OK." Local observers were apparently helping them ashore as a Coast Guard helicopter arrived in response to their EPIRB. "The water came in so fast that they didn’t even get to grab their ditch bag," says Bechler. "They report that they have nothing at this point, but are being well looked after by the locals."